STOP THE WARS-HELP THE POOR. WISENT YOUR WISDOM: WE ARE IN HEAVEN: that is why no one likes to die; because we feel subconsciously all the fiction belief are lies. If you refuse to understand, thin relax and consider it junk. Every believer of fiction is psychologically a real unconscious atheist in denial. every ALLarchist is conscious of WE ARE IN HEAVEN and GOD ( the nature ALL ) is GODLESS The reality of all the fiction believe that we have in the mind, the soul and the spirit end in the truth of WE ARE IN HEAVEN. If you have a brain; logically use it. If you have BIG HEART, WISELY SHARE IT theallbook Please understand me wisely, in order to help me peacefully to unite humanity together by the truth of WE ARE IN HEAVEN If I am a believer in god and heaven, thin logically I am wasting my life in hell with the devils. Thank you god for making me godless in heaven. Visit theallbook for more moderne psychology wisdom Fly Fly until there is no more sky, and land on the land of no end, in order to wisely understands the joyful fearless feeling of WE ARE IN HEAVEN Fly in the sky of your future and swim in the ocean of your pass in order to be godless believer in the reality of your heaven, or absent minded in hell with the miserable devils I am not writing to be rich or famous. I am writing to know the truth of who am I and where we are? I AM HUMAN IN HEAVEN I am the most stupid person ever existed: the WORLD say we are not in heaven; Heaven is after death. I SAY WE ARE IN HEAVEN. But logically i am the most joyfully happy, healthy, wealthy I ever been. If I have to be happy in heaven; I have to understand my self and accept the mental behavior of others. Yes we are in heaven because planet earth is the heaven of all the planets of the universe. The universal ALL is the godless eternal heaven of no hell and no devil. We all way been in heaven. We well be all way in heaven even after death as energy of the Nature ALL HEAVEN IS IN THE SKY because planet earth and all the planets including your head and mine are weightless in the sky of the nature ALL We are in the freezer because planet earth is in the sky of freezing cold atmosphere. North Pole is not the top of planet Earth. The equator is the top of planet Earth because it is the closest to the Sun. The rotation accel of north south is parallel to the sun, not vertical to the sun. North Pole and South Pole are the bottom of planet Earth for 6 months each We have 2 personalitys; the subconscious personality of feeling and the conscious personality of knowledge, 2 lifes; one in the water of the mother and one in the air, 2 gods; the subconscious godless god of no hell, no devil; the (( NATURE ALL )) and the conscious fiction god of what we believe in. 2 heavens; the real heaven of where we are and the fiction heaven of after death God must be godless in order to be logically the real God of no hell and no devil. Visit theallbook Do the test, find out if your are normal or genius. It is over 140 questions of self psychoanalysis therapy We are semi blind. We only see images in 2D. All creature see 3D. That is why we are consciously lost of we are in heaven The nothing does not exist. Every thing is something including the knowledge in the brain The summit of wisdom is above the clouds of fictions and the caves of belief For every question there is an endless answers. But there is only one of them is right, the rest of them seem wright to the brainless ones who said them The origen of the universe is a tetrahedral The future existed before the pass. The dark before the light It is nice to be consciously in HEAVEN with the open minded one,s of HEAVEN LOVE YOU ALL all ways Share if you care. Do if you like. Be happy if you can . enjoy if you could. Love the truth of WE ARE IN HEAVEN GOOD LUCK. BE peacefully LOVED. Wisely generous and respectfully trusted The conscious understanding of we in heaven is a positive energies to enjoy the pleasures of life until we die. The fiction believe in god; of we are not in heaven is a negative energies to freezes the brain, the heart and the soul in the spiritual caves of believing in heaven after death Let change the name of planet earth to it original name at Adam and Even time (( PLANET HEAVEN )) All the endless mind search of believe end in the godless heaven of no hell no devil BE PEACEFULLY HAPPY theallbook it is over 120 000 words of modern self help WISDOM Do not be scare of thinking about it wisely in order to understand the truth, talk about it, chare it, translate it and promote it REMEMBER: mental masturbating the truth of God the ALL and the reality of we are in heaven is accepting the spiritual fiction diarrhea of hell and the devil. Wisent your wisdom, or you all way be possess by others LUCKY IS THE ONE WHO BELIEVE IN HEAVEN HAPPY IS THE ONE WHO IS CONSCIOUS OF WE ARE IN HEAVEN. theallbook
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 20:45:42 +0000

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