【STOP THIS HORRIFIC TORTURE AND MURDER OF BULLS - TORO JUBLIO (BULLS OF FIRE)!!!】WATCH THE VIDEOS AND HEAR THE SCREAMS OF THE BULLS!: youtu.be/zUbHKsgu8V4, youtube/watch?v=x5CtEvwM9W0 ▶ 8 ESSENTIAL PETITIONS FOR YOU TO SIGN & SHARE IF YOU DONT WANT TO SEE THIS ANY MORE! 1. animalpetitions.org/21537/end-barbaric-practice-of-burning-bulls-alive/ 2. thepetitionsite/takeaction/600/975/102/ 3. https://change.org/p/unesco-no-al-toro-jubilo-como-patrimonio-cultural-inmaterial 4. https://secure.peta.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=4463 5. gopetition/petitions/stop-lighting-bulls-on-fire.html 6. change.org/p/live-bull-to-be-set-on-fire-spain-action-needed?tk=zYJW0d9fstO2eQfHm9xzxAHLwVZFwhqfeXXe5InByn0&utm_campaign=social_digest_email&utm_content=social_digest&utm_medium=email&utm_source=digest&utm_term=1 7. change.org/p/festival-ad%C4%B1-alt%C4%B1nda-bo%C4%9Falara-yap%C4%B1lan-bu-i%C5%9Fkenceye-dur-demek-i%C3%A7in-imza-help-stop-bull-abuse-in-medicaneli-now 8. forcechange/133774/end-barbaric-practice-of-burning-bulls-alive/#gf_17 Some days ago, Excalibur, the Ebola nurse Teresa Romeros dog was put down in Madrid, Spain, raising public outrage. THOUSANDS OF BULLS ARE TORTURED AND KILLED EACH YEAR IN THAT COUNTRY, FOR FUN, AND HOWEVER, THEY DONT RECEIVE THE SAME ATTENTION. ー Émile Antoine MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN SPAIN, INCLUDING ITS GOVERNMENT, SUPPORT CRUELTY TO BULLS AND OTHER ANIMALS! The Soria tourist-board promotes Toro de Jubilo as a tourist attraction! Every November, this grotesque spectacle called Toro de Jubilo occurs in Medinaceli, a province of Soria, Spain. During this festival, live bulls are burned to death while tied up to posts or set loose to run through the streets. Jeering mobs taunt a bull with balls of burning tar or turpentine affixed to his horns. The panic-stricken bull tosses his head in terror as jeering men turn him into a sickening live firework display. Blood pours from his nostrils and the acrid smell of his burning horns fills the air. He rushes about bellowing in agony for 30 agonising minutes. Terrified bulls run aimlessly through the streets of Soria in a blind rage of pain and fear. Others remain tied up and unable to move throughout the death sentence that can last for hours. Spectators look on while the animals’ faces, bodies, and flesh are burned away until the animal is finally dead. Some bulls smash into walls to escape hours of agony. Residents of the city hold a belief that eating the flesh of these tortured animals after they are engulfed by flames will bring fertility and invincibility. Such a notion is archaic and unfathomable in today’s world: Fertility and invincibility will not result from horrific murder. Bulls, like any other animal, are perfectly capable of feeling pain and experiencing emotions. Their last hours of life during this bull run are spent in immense pain and fear as they are literally burned alive. Urge officials to permanently cancel and ban this horrific brutality on animals throughout Spain and enforce laws that shield animals from all forms of abuse, including vulgar rituals and blood fiestas. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10152295613952132&set=a.10152295612757132.1073741914.684647131&type=1&theater
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 22:23:12 +0000

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