STOP VOTER SUPPRESSION IN FLORIDA—PLEASE TAKE ACTION (5 minutes)—NO DONATION REQUESTED Dear Florida voters & friends, Voter suppression in Florida is even worse than in other states with minority party (Republican) governors and where Republicans control the legislature. In addition to Rick Scott’s efforts to purge “illegal” voters, Scott personally stopped the process of restoring voting rights to over 1,000,000 ex-felons in Florida. (And what kind of state government makes over 5% of the population have felony records anyway?) Now the two big parties are not only suppressing voters, they are suppressing candidates so that they can keep control of our state government and protect big money special interests’ rights to pick our pockets. If you listen to the mainstream media, you would think there are only two candidates for Florida governor, current Republican governor Rick Scott (elected by only 23.2% of Florida’s registered voters), and former Republican governor Charlie Crist (elected by 24% of voters), now running as a Democrat. If you believe half of what they say about each other (spending tens of millions of dollars on TV ads), neither one of them is a good choice. And neither of them has a plan for what to do about Florida’s problems. Actually, there are five candidates for governor on the ballot this November. Only one of them is a Ph.D. economist with a detailed economic plan to create good jobs in Florida without spending taxpayer money. A plan to improve health care quality and access while saving billions of dollars per year in state money. A plan to slash property insurance by 30%, the cost of home ownership by 75%, the cost of student loans and higher education—without spending taxpayer money. A plan to restore the Everglades and clean up our rivers, springs and estuaries—and make money doing it, instead of spending taxpayer money. A plan to reduce the cost of state government the right way—people who make enough money to live don’t need as many state services! A plan to end pay-for-play politics in Tallahassee. Best of all, anyone can understand the plan and see that it will work. That is independent Governor candidate Farid Khavari. Khavari and his pick for Lt. Governor, Lateresa Jones, appear last on the ballot for Governor/Lt. Governor, but they should be our first choice. Naturally, the Republicans and Democrats hope you never hear of Khavari. The “gubernatorial debate” on October 15 excludes Khavari because his plan is to help everyone in Florida—except for big money special interests. Neither Scott nor Crist wants to confront a candidate with a real plan. Suppressing candidates is just another form of voter suppression. Stand up for your rights. Here’s how: Send an email to the sponsors of the debate: Dean Ridings at the Florida Press Association deanr@flpress and Wendy Walker at Leadership Florida [email protected]. (Please cc info@khavariforgovernor ). In the subject line put: Include Farid Khavari in the gubernatorial debate You can just copy and paste this message, or make your own: Dear Ms. Walker and Mr. Ridings: The voters of Florida deserve to hear Charlie Crist and Rick Scott respond to Farid Khavari’s economic plan for Florida. Limiting the debate to the two big-party candidates helps to perpetuate politics as usual in Florida. As a Florida voter, I urge you to include Farid Khavari in the gubernatorial debate on October 15, 2014. Sincerely, (Your name) Then please forward this email to everyone you know via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thank you! P.S. Learn more about Farid Khavari and his Economic Plan for Florida at: khavariforgovernor Khavari for Florida Governor 2014 – Independent SHARE & SPREAD THE WORD
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 02:27:30 +0000

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