STOPPING LEAKY SPENDING HABITS PAID OFF $56,000 IN THREE YEARS! Being in debt is a horrible feeling - and the bigger the debt, the more horrible the feeling :( However were not called SIMPLE Savings for nothing! Saving money really IS easy when you put your mind to it. All you have to do to fast track your way out of the red and back into the black is stop sending your precious dollars down the gurgler. But the only one who can make that happen is you! Heres some fantastic inspiration from Simple Savings member Kathie, who did just that! My biggest money saving tip is to account for EVERY penny that comes into your house. We were in debt to the tune of $56,000. Then a friend taught me to write down every penny that comes into and goes out of the house. We were SO surprised at how much money was slipping through our fingers. We shut the leaks down, put all that money towards paying off debt instead and were able to be debt free in three years! It really is that simple!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:16:24 +0000

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