STORE ADVENTURES, EPISODE 1409: I dont get to meet a writer - TopicsExpress


STORE ADVENTURES, EPISODE 1409: I dont get to meet a writer often in my store, even though I get tons of (failed) artists, start-up artists and performance artists with non-eixtent awards and degrees. I usually listen to their stories and file them away for future reference, but this one took the cake: Im a writer he says, as Im struggling to fix his busted watch. The hands have flown off after some serious collission. He looks around 20 years old. Oh wow, really? I ask Published, I bet. Yeah, been writing since I was 11. Got a few of my stories published here and there even from then. Seriously? Where? Was it... I list off about 6 publishing houses and two childrens literary magazines. No, no, abroad. Really? Which publishing house? Was it... I list everything I can recall from Ralan, Submissions Grinder and put in a couple of Penguin imprints, just to make sure. No, they were bigger than that. I dont know those. Im working on a septalogy now, its a scifi book series. Whoa, septalogy? Whats it about? Yeah, I got the books done, theyre about 600 pages each. Id love to tell you, but its probably the most oroginal thing ever and I dont really spread it around. Oh come on man, throw me a bone... No, I cant. But lets say its about a reverse invasion. What? Like Forever War, Starship Troopers, Armor and WarHammer 40k? What are those? Books with reverse invasions. Where we go to them instead of them coming to us. No man, its not like that...its...oh man, I cant say but its so deep, man. Oh shit man, you got me pumped! Yeah, the publisher really likes it too! Were discussing movie rights already! Yeah, you go, man! Thatll be 5 euros. Lemme read the book sometime. Ill try, Soon as my agent lets me. And with that, ther most promising author of our generation left my store. Ill tell my kids about how he pitched his book to me, which was nothing like anything else ever. Might download the movie when its out, too.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 12:16:25 +0000

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