STORY HIGHLIGHTS- • An American family living and working - TopicsExpress


STORY HIGHLIGHTS- • An American family living and working in China • An agricultural nightmare • Factories and Agriculture dont mix • Comparing our U.S. grown foods to China grown foods • American Food Corporations in China • Shipping Chinas crops and meats to America • Why isnt America growing its own safe food? __________________________________________________________________ By Jies World staff As you may have already read on our website, Jie and his parents live and work in the heart of booming China. Jies father is a third generation American citizen and businessman, and his mother a Chinese citizen and a successful well educated business woman with multiple credentials in China business. Four things make them very qualified to write this news article regarding the dangers of Chinese Grown Food products and China food imports to the United States... - They live in China and travel in China extensively. - They buy their groceries in China and know the China agriculture business. - Jies father is CEO of an American owned business consulting firm in Hong Kong and China since 2004. - Jies mother is a professional legal translator and consultant to many Chinese and foreign corporations. Together, they know whats going on in China. [ see Parents Bios ] BEAUTIFUL CHINA- No one can deny the extreme beauty and pristine landscape in much of China. So much of China is simply breath taking, side to side, and North to South. That is whats so misleading to most people. ...if China was not stuffed with 1.3 billion people, and also the Factory of the World, it could easily be the purest ecological and agricultural center of the world. Sadly, it has become the opposite. Besides battling its overwhelming population and billowing factories, it has another physical characteristic that is pushing China to its ecological demise. is mostly mountains and desert, not agricultural type terrain as many believe. Though China is very large,only 15% of Chinas vast natural resources and land are suitable flat land for use as agriculture, cities, or factories, ...and the factories and cities are winning. There is very little unpolluted space remaining for growing safe food sources, crops and animals- - It is 85% rough mountainous terrain, desert, and water - Less than 15% usable land - Chinas actual usable land is smaller than the State of Alaska - Desert is encroaching at the rate of nearly 1000 sq. miles annually - Extremely cold remote Mongolian northlands - 1.3 billion people and 20% of the worlds population - The largest coal power production and pollution in the world - Acid Rain growing at a very high rate due to coal burning - Factory of the World - Largest DDT and pesticide manufacturer in the world - Largest user of DDT and pesticides in the world - Unrestricted and unregulated pollution and toxin emissions PRETTY POISON- If you lived and traveled in China extensively, you would soon realize that even now, China is a dangerous ecological catastrophe. To be living in China, doing business, knowing these facts and viewing first hand is terrifying beyond words. We look at each other and say, this is where our food is grown? China remains a must see to visit. The incredible history, the contrast of modern and near primitive, the history, the astounding new growth, and still its natural beauty remains, ...just extremely polluted, growing, and getting worse. We think for a week or two tour, you will be thrilled, educated, enlightened and you will not be disappointed. After all, most of your home, life, and technology is Made In China. APPLES, WHEAT, AND... It is bad enough to live in China and see the farms, growing conditions and ethic with your own eyes. But then to see orders of millions of tons of apples, fruits, vegetables, wheat, chicken, other foods and ingredients being shipped to the United States weekly... Whats going on!!?? The first response was, I thought America grew its own food. Then, why isnt America growing more? Then, do they know how dangerous and contaminated things are here? Its quite a topic of conversation among most Americans and foreigners here. ..plete astonishment. ...what happened to America? We knew all PCs and computer parts were made in China. ...electronics, clothes, toys and gifts. But we have been most amazed to see that China manufactures most furniture you buy, bathrooms, kitchens, building materials. Just walk inside Home Depot or any other hardware store and you will see Little China. Go into any American shopping mall and any store in the mall,, skin care ingredients, phones, cameras, fashions, home decorations, furniture, motorcycles, car parts, toys, shoes, sporting goods, and the list is endless. But what we never expected to see food, ...every type of food, vegetables, fruits, meats, poultry, prepared foods, candy, snacks, cookies, drinks, and food ingredients. Then the Mother of all fear, was when we saw the first orders of China Grown Organic foods!! Organic Foods from China!. How do we know these facts. In the shipping and freight forwarding business we must know the exact commodity for pricing and import taxes, if any. We know when we give quotations; we know when weship; we know when we see the government reports and statistics. We know whats being shipped from Mainland China; who is shipping it, and where its going! Although some try to hide the true destination. EVEN CHINESE FEAR THEIR FOOD- We can offer further evidence of our alarm, and it gets worse. Eventhough China is the largest producer in the world, of apples, wheat and many other critical foods, the prices of fruits and vegetables are quite high locally, and the quality very low, and for some reason thegeneral population tolerates the low quality. Or maybe their global seclusion gives them little comparison. But for those of us Americans and other foreigners; for those educated, informed and wealthy Chinese, there is so much fear of the food, that we dont eat it. We either pay exorbitant prices for the Malaysian or Japanese produce and meats, or we now have the option of supposedly, organic grown foods. Yes, organic grown foods in China. And eventhough the price of ORGANIC foods is 8-15 times more expensive than the normal high priced produce in China, the educated Chinese and foreigners are so terrified, they pay the high price and have now created an Organic boom in China that is growing faster than the U.S. or any other country. SUPPOSSEDLY ORGANIC- We have a full selection now of nearly everything organic, and remember, at only 8 to 15 times more expensive than the normal high price of low quality foods in China. The Organic boom now offers virtually everything you want. ...Organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, seasoning, spice, beef, pork, chicken, juices, dried fruits, snacks, chips, teas, and new this year is a huge Organic dairy facility opening in Mongolia (China) to meet the incredible demand of all the fearful educated consumers in China like us. ...the selling price of this new Organic safe Chinese milk so we wont get cancer, birth defects, and die, is only 800% more expensive than the poison, toxic milk in China. Yes, 800% more, and people seem to complain as they walk out of the stores in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen by the case load. No educated person in China will buy food that is grown in China. We know where it comes from. IS IT REALLY SAFE & ORGANIC? Please, were in China... the home of perfect counterfeits, fakes products, copies, pirating, and under-the-table payments for any certification. In all reality, ...counterfeit anything. Do we trust the safe Organic foods here in China? The answer is absolutely not, but we have no options since we must live here for business. We only hope, that the odds are more in our favor with an Organic sticker, and that at the very least, we hope they are better quality than what the general population buys. We have no choice.... You can see how fearful and desperate the Chinese consumer is in China. AMERICAN FOOD GROWN IN CHINA? With complete shock, our first question is why? - Why arent we growing all our food in the United States? - Why are we trusting China grown food? - Why dont we know the food is from China? - If we have a shortage of a certain food or agricultural product, why not buy from another country? We are certain that our marketing report and the Jies World website will be absolute shock and terror to 99.9% of all America. Virtually no one in the United States realizes what has happened in the past five years, and most will even question our accuracy and sanity. Not only does the American consumer not know this, but most grocers, farmers, growers, and local distributors dont know it. Why dont you realize your foods are from China? - Fine print, Product of China and not easily read - You dont look for a label because it may be a name brand you trust, such as Dole, Del Monte, Kraft, Gerbers, Birds Eye, Nestles, P&G, Frito Lay, Tyson, etc. - Illegal and non-compliant labeling. Extremely common and not enforced - Bulk shipping to the US, but then local processing and packaging - Fresh products such as meats and produce have no government regulation Even if they had a Sunkist, Motts, or Chaquita label, they could be grown in China - Bulk sales such as grain, candy shops, produce or cookies require no labeling - Ingredients used in manufacturing, such a soup meat or vegetables, flour, eggs, glutens, dairy solids, preservatives, flavors and colors would not be seen or regulated - Medicine, pharmaceutical, cosmetic skin care, drinks, or nutrition ingredients would not be noticed and are not regulated China grown, China processed, and China made are there, you just dont know it. IS IT REALLY THAT SERIOUS? You need to realize the exterior of produce, meats, snacks or medicines show little about the toxic trace chemicals inside. They all look great on the outside. Fact- 30- 50% of all apples, mandarin orange, and packaged vegetable products that Americans buy and consume since 2003 are grown and processed in China. The imports increase every year. Fruits & Vegetables- Lets assume that only the water and soil are contaminated. The air may be ok because it is in a secluded valley far from the large China cities. - All fruits, vegetables, and other crops are 50-90% water. - All their nutrition comes from the soil The beautiful apple you are eating is dangerous no matter how beautiful the fruit or scenery in the orchard. Plants remove and store whatever is in the soil and water; nutrients or contaminants, thats their job. Meats & Poultry- - All animals eat, breath and drink - Even if they are fed grain or commercial meal, the animal food was probably grown in contaminated areas - They drink water, eat grasses, commercial grains, hay, and meals grown in China The animals store the pesticides, chemicals and other contaminants in their meat. Fish and Seafood are also very unsafe in China. The ponds and waterways are highly polluted in China jiesworld/news/2007/china-food.htm
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 06:49:23 +0000

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