STORY OF PATIENCE: A Dog was so faithful dat d owner(a Woman) culd - TopicsExpress


STORY OF PATIENCE: A Dog was so faithful dat d owner(a Woman) culd leave her Baby wt it nd go out 2 attend oda matters. She always returned 2 find d Child soundly asleep wt d dog faithfully watching over him. One day something tragic happened. D woman as usual, left d baby in d hands of dis faithful dog nd went out shopping. Wen she returned, she discovered rather a nasty scene, there was a total mess. D babys Cot was dismantled, his Nappies nd Clothes torn 2 shreds wt blood stains all over d bedroom where she left d child nd d dog. Shocked! d woman wailed as she began looking 4 d baby. All of a sudden, she saw d faithful dog emerging frm under d bed. It was covered wt blood nd licking its mouth as if it had just finished a delicious meal. D woman got angry nd assumed dat d dog had devoured her baby. Without much tot she beat d dog wt a wood 2 death. But as she continued searching 4 d remains of her child, she beheld anoda scene. Close 2 d bed as d baby who, alhough lying bare floor, was safe nd under d bed where d body of a Snake was torn 2 pieces in wot had bn a fierce battle btwn d snake nd d dog which was now dead. Then reality dawned on d woman who now, began 2 undersand wot took place in her absence. D dog fought 2 protect d baby frm d ravenous snake. It was too late 4 her now 2 make mends cos in her impatience nd anger, she had killed d faithful dog. How often hv we misjudged pple nd torn dem 2 shreds wt harsh words nd deeds b4 we hv had time 2 evaluate d situation?. Disis called SIN OF PRESUMPTION-presuming things our way wtout taking d trouble 2 find out exactly wot d situation realy is. Little patience can drastically reduce major life long mistakes. WHO ARE U MISJUDGING RIGHT NOW?. Dont think wot you think odas are thinking. Take time 2 get d TRUTH. May Allaah(SWT) make it easy 4 us nd blz us wt d virtue of Patience, Aamiin Yaa Rabbal Alamiin. Assalamu Aleikum nd Ramadhan Mubarak.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 10:30:07 +0000

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