STORY TIME Heading to lunch with my co worker Brock Lefferts. - TopicsExpress


STORY TIME Heading to lunch with my co worker Brock Lefferts. We drive past a woman, probably in her 40’s, with a cast on her foot, laying motionless on the sidewalk, her purse and a bottle of Gatorade is about 15 feet away, sitting on a bus bench. The whole scene looked like she had either passed out from heat exhaustion or maybe had tripped over her cast, fallen and knocked herself out. We obviously decided to pull over to see if she was okay. As I approached her, I started calling to her to see if she was ok. She was completely unresponsive. I got on one knee and tried to discern if she had been injured, all the while asking if she was ok. Still unresponsive. I told Brock to call 911 and I stayed with the woman, continuing to try to wake her. I didn’t touch or shake her thinking if she had broken something, any movement caused by me could have paralyzed her. At that moment a woman walked up and asked if she was ok. I said “I don’t think so but she is breathing.” She took her pulse and said she must be over heated. She then said, “You need to pour that Gatorade on her face and upper chest.” I said “Really?” She then said “Yes, she needs to cool down.” I very slowly started to pour some Gatorade on her neck, a little bit at first then a little more. She opened her eyes and the woman who stopped to help said “She’s ok, I gotta get to work guys. Good luck.” The now conscious woman looked at me, asked “Where’s my purse? What did you pour on me?” I informed her that she had been totally unresponsive and we thought she had passed out from heat exhaustion so I poured some liquid on her to try and to cool her down and hopefully wake her up. She then freaked out on me. Raising her voice saying “Why would you do that? I was just sleeping!” I said we spent minutes trying to get your to respond and given the way this scenario looked, we thought you were severely injured. She said “I just had foot surgery and I’ve been taking medication.” So at this point I realized she was likely drugged up taking a nap in the middle of a baking hot sidewalk was a perfectly acceptable idea. Relieved she was ok, I apologized for pouring Gatorade on her. Still, she was not at all happy with me continuing to yell and make me feel foolish. Right then, the cops showed up and I quickly explained what had happened. After speaking with her for about 5 seconds the cop looked at us smiling and said “You guys can go.” We then went to Pita Jungle and had lunch. True story.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 20:48:52 +0000

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