STORY TIME: JEALOUS IS EVIL!! H0W JEALOUS MONKEY DESTROYED HARE AND ELEPHANT’S FRIENDSHIP Hare and Elephant were inseparable friends. For many tears, they kept their friendship alive. They would be seen going to the water point to quench their thirst, relaxing under a tree when it was scorching hot, or even taking a walk during their free time, mostly at sundown. On some days when he was in a good mood, Elephant would offer Hare a ride on his back. For Hare, the most enjoyable ride was when they crossed Soslain River. For fear of tumbling down the river, Hare would hold tight on Elephant’s big ears. When they were not passing time together, Elephant’s hobby was practising healing using herbs. During such times, Hare stayed around the house ensuring it was tidy by doing some washing here and preparing the evening meals for both of them when Elephant returned. Then during her free time, hare went racing up the Kamukunji hill. Hare and Elephant’s friendship grew stronger each day and they became the envy of some animals in the jungle, especially their neighbour, the Monkey. He was mean and a loud mouth, and few wanted to be his friend. Monkey became jealous of their friendship and he started plotting on how to separate the two. “How can they be so close while I don’t have a friend?” he asked himself. His chance to destroy the two good friends came when Monkey was coming from Mkulima farm, where he often went to steal and destroy man’s crop. He was aware this was Hare’s route to Kamukunji hill. Monkey spotted Hare from a distance down the hill. He was carrying a basket full of maize and mangoes. When he inched closer to Hare he shouted “Hallo Hare!” “Hallo lovely one,” Hare replied. “Would you wash this jersey for me please, I have hurt my paws?” Monkey requested, while removing the jersey he was wearing. Hare felt sympathy and agreed. She took the jersey and went to the river to wash it, using Elephant’s soap and basin. Monkey was pleased with himself. The first trick had worked. The next day, Monkey visited Hare in her house with Elephant. After the formal greetings, Monkey made himself comfortable. Hare was roasting maize for lunch. Meanwhile, Monkey kept the conversation going by asking this or that question, some of the questions not relevant at all. Hare was getting bored. After about two hours, Monkey was still in Elephant’s house. Again he asked Hare to wash for him, this time a shirt. Hare was now tired of Monkey’s requests. “I’ll not wash it my friend, I want to go racing with Squirrel at Kamukunji hill, then come back to prepare dinner. Monkey pleaded with Hare to help him one more time, but Hare said she was late for the race as she stormed out of the house. Monkey followed her crying. As if pricked by a sharp pin on the paw he claimed to have been hurt, he cried even louder. When they reached the foot of the hill, Monkey decided to play a trick on Hare. “Hare,” he called out. Hare looked back. “Don’t you get tired of being Elephant’s servant when he decides to kick you out of his house?” Hare had never imagined this, and she thought Monkey was right. Monkey was so pleased with his cunningness. He had managed to trick Hare to end her friendship with Elephant. Meanwhile, Elephant was coming back from his work when he spotted the two. He was surprised to see Monkey and Hare together. Elephant wanted to know why Hare had not come to meet him as usual. “Hare and I are now friends,” Monkey said, adding “she’s tired of living with you and doing all the house chores for you.” Elephant asked Hare if what Monkey was saying was true. She nodded. Elephant was lost for words. He never dreamed he would lose such a friend, all because of the evil monkey. If anything Elephant used to bring back food from his healing mission and share it with Hare. How foolish of Hare, Elephant thought. In fact, that day he had brought so many nice things for Hare, and had many tales to share! Other animals learned that Monkey had tricked Hare out of her friendship with Elephant and were very disappointed. Soon Hare realised her mistake and she regretted. But it was too late. SEE WHAT JEALOUS IS ABOUT?? YOU SHOULD BE CAREFUL ABOUT PEOPLE WHO PRETEND TO BE YOUR FRIENDS – MANY ARE NOT FRIENDS: WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 11:06:38 +0000

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