STORY TIME: There once was a man named kok and lo he had a wish - TopicsExpress


STORY TIME: There once was a man named kok and lo he had a wish of getting a DMD 19. He preordered it a few days before its release and at last, it was sent. On a fateful day of Tuesday it arrived in Bucharest. And he waited.... and tracked... and waited... and tracked some more... and lost his patience. And he felt like blowing up the entire capital. But then, a week after his packages arrival, a mail arrives! From Bucharest, nonetheless! Our hero rushes in a hurry to the post office, opens it... and... two documents, one of them saying: We are sorry, sir, but your package is deemed unwrothy to be shipped to you. If you wish, you can sign the following formal document that we attached to this letter, give us a copy of your identity card, your signature and a receipt of the things that you bought and we will have it sent to you. And now there lay kok... running from one point to another, to get the copy, to print the paypal reicept, to sign those documents and to waste MORE money just to send all those papers to Bucharest. And he was told that the DMD would arrive in the best case either Friday or Saturday, if not then sometime next week. Now kok returns home, tired from all that running AND the gym. And in the innermost depths of his heart, there is only one single sentence whose truth reeks all over the planet: I
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 15:41:06 +0000

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