STORY TIME While its pouring rain outside and im freezing cold in - TopicsExpress


STORY TIME While its pouring rain outside and im freezing cold in bed covered with dogs im reminded of a story once upon a time there was a princess stuck in a horrible dungeon this concrete dungeon was her prison since she was born she was harmed regularly scared and terrified she would brace against the terrible winters chill and against the horrific summer heat staring up at the stars hoping someone would come save her she cried quietly as seasons passed she knew she would never leave this concrete castle and that her soft paws would never feel anything but hard cold concrete her body aches from the cold her elbows callused over from having nothing soft to lay her body upon her mind was elsewhere to protect her remaining sanity hearing the screaming and howling of other princesses and princes trapped in castles and cages just like her she would cry please someone save me from this place please regular sessions of being harmed by these scary monsters known as humans my body so matted and sore she was bred from she must have been a bad mum though she would have tried her best as all princesses do all my babies take from me so young she cried she wanted them back she cried one long cry and then she made no more noise this princess believed she would die here with all the other princesses matted and cold in concrete no birthdays it was hard to tell what day it was or how old she was when she was taken to the pound or how many litters she had this princess felt more like a servant then any german Shepherd royalty after 8 weeks in this pound she was still on concrete in cages it was just different surrounds and these humans tried to approach her she just was not sure why she ended up on a plane and flown to another state terrified she was defending herself in the air crate she could hear the men warning people to not come near the crate she was savage... One woman however had no fear of the princess, walking right up she said hello princess it will be OK well with that the princess let her in to the cage with her to take her out and together they went to her car and a long fairy tale short this princess lives with sweet shepherd rescue President sam and her pack she knows the this glorious princess can have good days and often bad days some days she can have nightmares and sam falls out of bed half asleep to hold the princess and cuddle her back to sleep other days the princesses has horrible flash blacks and may need to hide but her mum understands this too never forcing her to come out the pack love her and never try harm her ever, they even show her how to behave how to play how to roll and tumble and play This princess may still get scared of the noise of puppies as it brings back too many bad memories but her mummy keeps them away from her She has a gorgeous clean coat a gorgeous bandana on outtings beautifully well groomed and has a collar full of diamonds and is a true princess again so warm so loved and so free she is a stunning princess and will never be used in a puppy farm again this fairy tale is real however and my name is pixie and I am a german Shepherd and my story although it started in a horrible way has a very happy ending like most fairy tales :) I am warm and safe with the rain falling down around us outside I sigh a HUGE sigh and rest my weary head and rest knowing Im safe right next to my mum (she even leaves her arm hanging over the bed so I can touch her with my nose if something spooks me and she will wake up) THE END (and my new beginning)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 11:46:58 +0000

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