STORY: WHEN BEAUTY BECOMES A CRIME (FINAL EPISODE) “Yes. I’m serious.” He said. Then she put her right hand on his left palm, and they headed off like a newly wedded couple, chatting and laughing on their way. They finally found their way to the building, walking quietly towards the entrance. The place was silent as usual. All around the building were blanket of grasses and overgrown weeds. The walls were un-plastered, and full of holes. There were two exits and six windows; all without frames. The Jss1 block was standing about ten feet away, hidden by tall, tall plants and trees forming a mighty bush. Before entering they glanced around in caution. The interior was plastered, but vacant; except for two damaged lockers at one end. Oyinkansola gently left his hand, leaned on the wall and smiled. She ran her palms seductively down his broad chests, as if to unbutton him. “Here we are,” she winked at him. “Yeah,” he chuckled, staring at her pretty face. Then their eyes locked together, eyeballs unmovable as if under a magnetic force. Like one possessed, she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck. Softly their lips pressed together and gathered speed, like ones of a starving baby to mother’s breast. For a few seconds, tongues sliding and clashing like sword-fights at climax. Their eyes shut wildly, his hands firm around her waist, rubbing frantically on her robust behind. For Oyinkansola, the frenzy was beginning to boil downstairs. She started twisting her melting thighs; as if a certain substance was crawling and rushing down her tummy. The kiss went on. **** Few minutes later, a middle-aged security man came out of the generator house, close to the JSS1 block. He was humming an Igbo tune between the cigarettes that hung in his mouth. He removed a match box from his trousers’ pocket and set the cigarette ablaze. Recently, the VP had rebuked him about smoking, except in the absence of students. So he decided to hide himself. He went to the rear wall of the uncompleted building, sitting on a broken brick. He puffed on his cigarette with pleasure. Soon, his face began to darken with bright sadness. He was watching the smoke of his cigarette as it gradually faded in the thin air. “One day go be one day,” he muttered to himself, “all my problem go disappear like this smoke.” As if to now blow his problems away, he forcefully puffed out another clouds of smoke. His eyes watered. He brushed his eyes with the back of his left hand. “Chiamaka!” He said and crossed his arms, “you leave me go marry that man with big belle because of Mercedes benz. I know wetin I go….. “ He was forced to pause. He was hearing some funny sounds. He alerted his ears. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, came a slow-steady sound. Like one gasping or puffing after licking a pepperish soup. Moans and more painful moans, and quick slapping beat. All combined to make a melody. “Hope say no be wetin I dey think,” He thought aloud. Although, it was not his first time of catching students with such abnormalities. Most times, he would find the senior boys smoking and flirting, and he would spare them if they could bribe him. Now he had repented. He was ready to prosecute any student. In the past, Students caught with vices as such would be beaten by the teachers on the assembly ground, followed by two or three month’s suspension. No humiliation was greater than this in IGS. He waved away the thoughts and made a move, creeping along the wall with his old black shoes. Getting close to the first window, he bent down; cautiously like a cat hunting for a rat, and then he stumbled and slumped to the ground. His body made an impact like a bag of cement. “Hey-wey! Chai!” He couldn’t suppress the groan that erupted from his throat. He had fallen over a big stone among the thick grasses. A boy rushed out of the building. On seeing the security man, he ran back and fled through the second exit. The man had already seen his face. He was one of the notorious boys in JSS3. “Salahu, I don see you O!” He shouted and supported his hands on the wall, “if you dare run away….!” Then like a starving dog, he barked between clenched teeth, “If you like yourself, you and that girl should back here!” He shouted all he could, but none of them appeared. He lowered his hurtful body on the ground, massaging his knees and waist. **** Oyinkansola nearly covered her ears from the noise she met in the room. It was a full house. Amidst screams and laughter, everyone was chattering on how they spent their day. Some had left their beds to form a group at another bed. So, there were many vacant bunks, especially the upper decks. After dropping her bag she bent down to remove her sanders. “Hey! Mama the Artist don come!” shouted one of the girls at the opposite, from a group of four. “A big mistake!” protested another, “She be Drawer!” “No be only drawer, na cupboard,” laughed another girl. “Since a person that teaches is a teacher, a person that drives, a driver. One that draws is what?” said the girl, with a tinge of humour in her voice. Oyinkansola wasn’t in the mood to exchange banters with them. She managed to laugh at their teases. She did not want anyone to ask how she spent her day. “I never get your time,” Oyinkansola removed a pink pillow from her wardrobe. “Abeg, no disturb me. Sleeping time.” She lay on the bed and covered her head with the pillow; to shut out the noise. Her mind wandered back to about twenty minutes ago. When her body had started craving for more, she had quickly withdrawn her lips. She had promised to abstain till the end of secondary education. She regarded Banji as a perfect guy since he did not abuse that chance. She remembered a counseling book she came across in her Mum’s shelf: HOW TO KNOW IF THE GUY YOU ARE DATING IS RIGHT AND TRULY LOVES YOU. One of the tips said: HE IS NOT DESPERATE FOR S*X AT EARLY STAGE OF RELATIONSHIP. She recalled some other ones: HE WOULD BE HIGHLY ROMANTIC TO YOU AND VICE VERSA. HE BRINGS OUT THE BEST IN YOU AND YOU BRING OUT THE BEST IN HIM. YOU RESPECT HIM AND HE RESPECTS YOU IN RETURN YOU BOTH IMAGINE FUTURE TOGETHER The author had written so many other tips. Oyinkansola was already seeing some of the qualities in Banji. He had not mentioned s*x ever since they started dating, but he was very romantic. Academically, he had brought out the best in her. She remembered how surprised her parents had been seeing her result. Her second day at home, during the last holiday, she met her Dad lying on the sofa. He was obstructing his face with a newspaper. She sat on the couch beside him. As soon as she gave him the report card, he sat up and adjusted his eyeglasses. Despite aging to his late sixties, Mr. Akinwande was commandingly attractive; with a goliath physique, chocolate skin, silver bushy hair and beard. “It Seems you have a better result this term,” He had said, tracing his finger on the grades. “All your credits range between A1 and B2. Four passes. Am I right?” He paused as if expecting a response, not raising his head, then continued “But how come you failed woefully in government? If I could remember well, you had an ‘A’ in government during the previous term.” Just then, her Mum came out of the kitchen and sat next to her Dad. It was the same question her Mum had asked after seeing the result. She’d confided to her Mum all the troubles she faced with those male teachers. “Honey, it’s the same issue she had in her former school,” responded her Mum. “I would like to hear from her. Is that true, Oyin?” “Yes, Daddy,” she said, tilting her head, “actually, we used to have a female government teacher. The new teacher is a man.” She narrated how the man and some other ones had given her tough times. “I wonder where this nation is heading to,” Her Dad said in a gentle, but resentful tone; leaning back and staring at the ceiling, “Corruption in the government office; corruption in the educational sector. I have treated many cases like this in court, teachers and lecturers abusing their female students. One thing I have come to realize is this,” he directed his attention at his wife, his finger jutting in emphasis, “The victims of such circumstances are always the beautiful ones… Do we say it is now a crime to send a female child to school? I still wonder when beauty becomes a crime. Now; how many teachers would I prosecute over a single daughter, when one is still serving his punishment in jail?” Then her Dad asked her to get prepared for England. The statement was a bullet to her heart. The initial plan was to finish her secondary education here and further abroad. Now the plan had changed. It would be useless for her to complain. Her Dad was a man of his words. A Judge would always be a Judge. “I will give you the grace to finish your SS2.” That was his conclusion. He resumed his newspaper. Her mind returned from the memory in sadness. She removed the pillow from her head and turned on her side. She had refused to tell Banji about the decision. “How is he going to feel about it?” She whispered to the wall; then sighed, “Ooh, lord, I am so confused. England is a long distance.” She was aware that high school relationships rarely last in marriage. Tertiary institution would always be the bridge of departure. She waved away the belief, as if warding off a fly. “I will pray about it. I can’t afford to lose him. I can’t! ” **** The first term had passed away. The second term was two months old. It was a cold day in the month of July. The playing tent was crowded as usual. The rain was descending in showers, while the air smelled of wet sand and new born grasses. It was after the school hour. Banji and Oyinakansola were standing at the extreme end, in a less rowdy area. They had been chatting and laughing. But now an awkward silence had interrupted. Oyinkansola just asked him a question and the question was “If I decide to further my education abroad, and I return after four years, will you still be there for me?” “I hope you don’t mean what you just said.” He asked in consternation. “I don’t mean it. I said, IF I DECIDE. I hope you can now answer my question.” “Please, repeat the question. Oh, you just shocked me.” He sighed, and placed his hand on his chests. “Eeeyah, sorry for shocking you” she teased and smiled, “Okay, if it happens, will you still keep to your vow?” They’d once made a vow to last as a future couple, even if it would mean attending the same higher institution. “I thought you said, ‘will I still be there for you’?” “So you heard that!” she laughed and hit him on the shoulder, “you are a naughty boy! Anyway, it’s still the same thing.” “It’s a different statement.” “Okay, sir. Clarify the difference.” “Now, jokes apart” He said, “If it happens, the fact is, I will try my best to wait for you. You’re the one I’m just afraid of….Most girls that Study abroad hardly ever return to their old partners.” “You see where you go wrong,” She shook her head, “that habit is associated with men.” Oyinkansola finally revealed the truth about going to further studies in England. Inevitably, Banji became numb with shock. It took him almost a minute to come back to his right senses. “So, how many days do you have left?” “I have less than a week,” Oyinkansola lowered her head. In a sorry voice, she said, “I don’t know it would be this early…Daddy had insisted that I would finish my SS2 here, until yesterday… I had a telephone call through the hostel Mistress. Dad said he would come and pick me up during the weekend.” He took a deep breath and flung his hands apart, “I think that is our fate. I have no choice.” She revealed her face and eyed him in disappointment; wondering what he meant by, I THINK THAT IS OUR FATE. He sounded as though he had given up. ”Have you given up already?” Speechless, he bent his head and supported his right hand on the poll. “Please, answer me!” She whined like a little girl, and then like a witch under a spell of confession, she started, “I have already told Mum and Dad about your impacts on my recent grades. They’re not against me having a boyfriend that will have a positive impact on me. They have even seen your pics in my room. Mum and Dad are willing to meet you! Just promise to keep to the vow. Please, say something!” She broke off and grabbed his hand in frustration. He stared at her in shock, as if to ask: why didn’t you tell me all these before? “I never meant the word that way.” He said, “Are you serious? You told your parents about me?” Meanwhile, the question he really had in mind was: You told your parents you have a boyfriend? And they agreed, instead of scolding you? “Yes,” She nodded, smiling, “what is wrong about that?” “Nothing, it’s just that….” he broke off and sighed, then held her both hands, “I asked because you never told me before.Good to know that. My mind is now a little bit at rest. I’m just afraid of losing you.” “Me too.” she said in a babyish tone. ***** Opens diary September 14, 1996: She sent him her first letter, about schooling experiences abroad. October 10, 1996: She received a letter from him, as one of the winners in a Mathematics competition. February 3, 1998: She received a fax message from him, as an accounting student at OAU. September, 14, 2001: She returned to Lagos. September, 17, 2001: She reunited with him at Genesis restaurant Victoria Island, after obtaining BA in creative Art. July 13, 2002: Finally engaged to him at Ikoyi Baptist church, Lagos. closes diary
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:28:21 +0000

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