STORY... Zainath was lying on the bed, half awake, clutching - TopicsExpress


STORY... Zainath was lying on the bed, half awake, clutching her pillow tight against her chest and covering her whole body with a thick blanket except for the face, as it was very cold outside. She always loved spending quite a time just lying on her bed before she starts the day. She would have enjoyed the lie thoroughly if it wasnt for the distant sound of the birds chirping, which made her feel annoyed. She always hated anything which interrupted her comfy sleep. To increase her annoyance, she heard the Adhan calling. It must be near to five, thought Zainath, with a rage. And remembering something, she closed her eyes tight, pulled the blanket up to her nose, which now revealed only her tightly shut eyes, and pretended to be asleep. For she knows that in a few minutes of time, her dad would come waking her for the prayer. Although she loved her dad a lot, it made her angry whenever someone wakes her up while having a nice long nap, and her dad wasnt an exception. Not more than a minute passed after this thought occurred her, she heard a gentle knock on her room door. It must be dad, she thought under her breath and it was. Assalamu Alaikum, Zainath dear! Its time you got up and prayed Subah or youll miss it. Oh, I can pray it later. Why, even the Prophet himself has said that its all right if we were sleepy and prayed the missed ones later, she convinced herself, though she didnt dare open her mouth to her dad. Thinking that Zainath wasnt awake yet, her dad came in opening the door. Come on, child! Wake up and get ready to pray! Its already getting late and you never know when the death will embrace us! You cant always sleep like this on weekends. Youll be punished by Allah! Phew! Allah is the most Merciful, they say! So why on earth would He want to punish an innocent soul like me? He is the one who has given me this sleepy head after all, Im not responsible for it. And, me, die in a few hours of time? Whom did he think he was kidding?, she thought not knowing that Shaitan has started to play a very clever game on her. Zainath, I know that youre awake, dont pretend my dear child. Now get up and pray like a good girl, Insha Allah, we can both be together in Jannah. I got to go now, or Ill miss the Jamaath, saying thus, her dad left her lying there on her bed and went to the mosque. Zainath felt extremely happy, At least now I can sleep without any disturbance until dad returns, thought her immatured mind. A minute more sleep in the morning could make her feel happy like nothing in the world could. But_wait_where am I? Why are all these people surrounding me? And why are they crying_how come Im here, suddenly these questions started to overpower Zainath, and she was curious to get hold of the answers. Hence, she attempted to get up from the bed. But, Alas! She couldnt! She felt like she was glued to the bed. Well, lets ask someone else, she decided and tried to move her lips. Oh, poor Zainath! Neither it did work! Now what_what madness is this?, she thought being irritated. And then she heard someone saying something about death. Like a lightening, it struck her now! No, no, no_surely not, it cant be true_how can it! I cant be dead! No way, just now I was lying on ma bed asleep!, she thought seriously. But there was no other explanation, because someone now was covering her with a white clothe, and she couldnt do anything to stop it, but just watch. She was scared, and still she felt difficulty in believing this sudden change of events. Ya Allah! Please give me one more chance, I didnt even pray my Subah. Dont you want me to pray for you? If you wake me up, Ill spend my whole life in nothing but praying you, kneeling down only for you, she thought desperately, not realizing for once, with whom she was bargaining. And then she heard a voice inside her head, Allah, the Eternal, Absolute. [Sura Ikhlas:02] He doesnt need anyones prayers to survive, its He Who has created men in order to worship Him. Now she started regretting all those times she had wasted idling, procrastinating and ignoring His commands. Now she realized how much she owed her Lord for keeping her healthy, happy and above all alive. How she wished she hadnt spent her time in useless ways, or she wouldnt have needed to worry at all. But, time and death never await anyone! And she was dreading being put in hell, she couldnt even imagine that moment. Not soon enough, a rough voice spoke from above, Bring her here, the disobedient soul. She was lifted up and before she could understand what was happening, she was thrown in to a very narrow, deep pit. Which was, no doubt, The hell!, with this last thought she kept falling down. Zaintha awoke with a jolt, wet with perspiring and she was shivering, which had nothing to do with the cold atmosphere. It took a while before she realized that it was only a dream, and that she is still alive! Thank God! But what a horrible dream it had been, what if it was real and she had died missing her prayers? Allah surely loves me a lot, thats why he has shown me this dream, indeed its gonna be an eyeopener for me, she soliloquized being very grateful, tears were rolling down her cheek. And from that day on, Zainath never did miss a prayer if she could help it, Alhamdulillah! Now, lets face it! Do we all need such a dream to open our eyes? To make us realize the purpose our lives? Arent there plenty of signs on earth which are sufficient to make anyone turn towards Him? But still, here we lie under the impression that death will come to us only when we are old, diseased or were we thinking ourselves to be immortal beings? Nay! Indeed, death will come to anyone, at anytime, in any form, like an uninvited guest, and the most unwanted guest. No matter how hard we dislike it, surely well have to leave all these worldly things we hold tight to, one day, when Allah decides to get hold of us! Now is the chance, Its now or never! Lets turn to Allah before we return to Allah!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 17:18:07 +0000

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