STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART OF JESUS; This message was giving - TopicsExpress


STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART OF JESUS; This message was giving to me by Jesus,this is how it all started,there was something that happened ,that i needed to take some radical decisions,but then taken my own decision is to totalIy go against the will of God,after a long period of thinking , not knowing what to do suddenly , I rememberd the words of Jesus in John 14:23Jesus answered and said to him,if anyone loves me,he will keep my word;and my father will love him,and we will come to him and make our home with him.He who does not love me does not keep my words. i knew i loved the Lord so much that i wouldnt want to disobey Him,so quietly i spoke to the Lord,i said Lord!!!what do you want me to do? I was waiting for Him to speak to me,but then there was no response ,while at it i dosed off,then suddenly a very still small voice lightened my spirit,the Lord said And there was none feeble among His tribes.suddenly I began to smile and i will continue repeating this word to my self. But then i was trying to ponder on this,while another passage was added, it says,The go from strength to strength! and this is found in ps 84 :7 Wahoo. NOW THIS IS THE MESSAGE; The Lord said, no (genuine and true) servant of mine grows weak spiritually!!!! this is because I am the source of all power,the power of my genuine servants lie in their obedience to my word!!!!!! anyone who serves me genuinely will never go weak,meaning the more we obey and do what He commands us to do,the more powerful we will become!!! The Lord futher said to me,There are many servants and there are few servants, Mathew 22:14 ,listen to this,He said ,the many servants are the disobedient ones,while the few servants are the obedient ones who are ever ready to obey Him to the latter, He said,many grow weak because of their disobedience to His word and the more they disobey the weaker and weaker they grow and the more the few obey the stronger they grow spiritually ,they will never be feeble!!!!!!your spiritual strength can only come through your obedience to my word and anytime you disobey my clear command you stumble and get confused ,He said, as you continue obeying me !!! i will reveal my self to you!!!! THE SECOND MESSAGE STANDS AS A WARNING TO ALL! I WOKE UP SHAKING AND PLEADING WITH THE LORD. This is what happened,i was in church where a brother i knew very well was ministring,he then said something that shows he is walking intimately with God,when he said that i looked at him and despised him in my heart,but the Lord knows our hearts and even our deepest thoughts. Although at that moment nothing happened,but later in a dream i had at night,i found my self in the same church and it was this same brother that came up to minister,as soon as he came up,he took a song which goes thus ;Acient of days as old as you are,as old as you are, you will never change*2 About three people fell under the anointing,but i still didnt believe i was like Nathaniel who said can anything good come out of Nazareth ? in john 1: 46 i dont believe the Lord can use him i continued to dispise him in my heart,meanwhile the church continued to sing,suddenly the whole congregation where under the power of God,while some of us knelt down with our eyes closed,i then manage to open my eyes to see what was really going on ,because some people were screaming as the power was so intense ,as i did that , i discoverd this brother was also under the anointing although been the one leading he holding the microphone and singing and dancing and he was seriously sweating,then i began to wonder,how manage? I asked my self what ??? So this brother is so anointed of,God!!!!! I exclaimed!! it was at the thought of that, that i opened my eyes,immediately i heard the Lord say to me!!!!oh I immediately began to shake so greatly ,the Lord rebukked me very sharply ,He said never dispise anybody,because i can use anybody!!!!oh God help me i repeatedly said that to the Lord,while shaken so terribly. Friends do you dispise people? Do you make fond of them,thinking the Lord can never use them? Do you look down on others?DO you dispise other peoples massage and think God cannot speak through them?oh odamba,father,please forgive us today!for you are in deed now a respecter of persons,you use whomsoever you wish,forgive me Lord for dispising my brother.IJN. Conclusion ,if you are constantly disobeying God ,it drains your anointing and makes you go weaker and weaker,so that you would not be able to live the Christian life,which is , victorious Christian life in Jesus,you will constantly be living in a defeated life and God cannot really use you as He wants,because,He cannot waste his anointing on people who keep disobeying His word,but if you constantly obey Him irrespectIve of how you feel,He keeps on increasing His grace on you so to do even more and he is able to make you stand and not fall. SECOND CONCLUSION .Please brethren we should learn never to look down on people because everybody is special before God and the fact that you are been used by God doesnt make u a special and holy person but mercy found you.!!!!!!! Finally ,The Lord said,be strong my people ,be strong my people for I am in the midst of thee to help you.Amen!!!!come Lord Jesus!!Im so hungry for more of thee OH LORD!!!!! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!REMAIN BLESSED AND HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 04:27:25 +0000

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