STRANGE HOW THINGS WORK...I WROTE THIS 3 SCROLLS AGO, SO ILL ADD RONALD REAGANS WORDS TO MINE (HES FAR MORE ELOQUENT) & JUST ADD THIS...IF WE DONT FIGURE OUT WHO THE REAL ENEMY IS AMERICA WILL DESTROY ITSELF FROM WITHIN. WE CANT KEEP ACCUSING EVERYONE OF HATE (racism, the war on women, anti-glbt, etc.). WE CANT CONTINUE TO TAKE FROM THE WORKING CLASS & THE RICH TO GIVE TO THOSE WHO DONT WORK...(non-workers dont make jobs & they dont contribute to their own welfare). WE ABSOLUTELY MUST HELP THE POOR WHEN THEY ARE IN NEED, BUT WE MAKE SURE THEY GET A GOOD EDUCATION SO THEY CAN GET A JOB SO THEY CAN TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES. EVERYONE DESERVES TO BE PROUD OF THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENT & when you expect nothing from get nothing in return. BY THE WAY...ARENT WE FIGHTING THE SAME PEOPLE NOW WE WERE FIGHTING THEN...FROM RUSSIA TO THE MIDDLE EAST WE ARE STILL AT WAR: WE MUST STOP FIGHTING WITHIN OUR OWN COUNTRY OR SOON THERE WILL BE NO COUNTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE AMERICAN IDEAL IS DYING 1 GIVE AWAY AT A TIME: in the 1960s Russian Prime Nikita Khrushchev said Russia did not have to worry about America because America would destroy itself & boy was he correct. We, the general public, have allowed ourselves to be more concerned with whos going to win the Super Bowl than whos our Senator, Congressman OR even whos going to be our next president. We anointed a 1/2 white-man black so NO one can say anything against him & not be a racist!!!!!!!!! We have a slimy little weasel as our Senate Majority Leader who is more concerned with the name of a football team being racist than going before the Senate with the the over 250 bills the House of Representatives has passed. We had a Congressional Majority Leader who famously said, You HAVE TO Pass THE Bill, SO YOU CAN READ THE BILL TO KNOW WHATS IN THE BILL. We had cash for clunkers & now we truly have clunkers because there are no parts cars. We had Obama phones & Obama Loans: then we had a housing crisis that destroyed the worlds economy because we bundled the Obama loans off as collateral for our 17 TRILLION $$$$ debt to go along with our downsized credit rating. We used to dream of a GOOD job, Maybe a Great career: now we GET unemployment for 2 years, food-stamps forever & Obamacare (it really is just Government Health Insurance...IT IS NOT HEALTHCARE). Obamacare wont let you see your doctor, & it taxes the medical equipment YOU NEED to have the best care possible. AMERICA USED TO DREAM BIG, BUILD BIG, & STAND FOR SOMETHING GOOD!!!!! WE HELPED OUT NEIGHBORS, & WE NEVER TOOK REPARATIONS WHEN WE WON OUR fact we rebuilt Japan & Germany after WWII. Now we cant win a war because we dont know who were fighting, nor why were fighting & the ACLU fights harder for the enemies of America than for the American Constitution!!!!!!!!! We no longer have a border, ooooh my, we cant have a border thats un-American...the come 1 come ALL philosophy worked very well when everyone built their own home, planted their own food, made their own know lived like a pioneer without the protection of a government. But, as soon as we wanted roads & cities & trade & protection, we needed to establish a government with boundaries where we could flourish. AS AN AMERICAN, ITS OUR CONSTITUTION THAT PROTECTS US FROM A GOVERNMENT THAT WOULD TELL US WHAT TO BUILD, WHEN TO BUILD, WHAT TO DISTRIBUTE & WHAT TO CHARGE FOR WHAT WE HAVE CREATED WITH THE SWEAT OF OUR BROW: OUR CONSTITUTION PROTECTS OUR FREEDOM OF RELIGION NOT FROM RELIGION & IT SAYS REGARDLESS OF RACE CREED OR COLOR WE ARE ENDOWED WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!! WITHOUT BOUNDARIES WE HAVE NOOOOOO RIGHTS & boundaries mean more than lines drawn in the sand!!!!!!!! Boundaries means that when you are mad you dont loot & riot in the streets NOR do you loot & riot in the street when your favorite football team wins. Boundaries mean that you respect yourself enough to take care of yourself & your family & that you respect your country enough to vote for an ideal not just for someone who will give you free stuff.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:38:00 +0000

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