STRANGE RELATIONS ALICE AND FLO MANCHESTER MEMORIES ________________________________ Flo. Thank god youre in Where else would I be at this time? Our Bobs due in any minute. Im just making his tea Anyway whats up with you? Any tea in that pot? Is the Queen posh?...Help yourself. Im just putting these sausages on. Eeyar have a bit? Ooh Ive not had a bit of raw sausage for years. But Id better not. Itll play havoc with me insides. I wouldnt say no to a custard cream though. I need the sugar, the shock Ive just had! the Grandkids love raw sausage, and the rind off the bacon...The biscuits are in the tin. Help yourself, but leave the ginger nuts for Bob. He doesnt like anything else... So go on then? What could have happened to shock a woman of the world like you? There I am sat in me house minding me own business- That makes a change! Sarcky cow. Let me finish...Like I said. Im sat down, just me and the budgie, and I thought Id have a sort through me knitting patterns Well thats shocking...I didnt even know you could knit I do have other friends you know By the time you get to the point, half of us will be dead! Well stop interrupting then...So theres a knock on the door - who could that be? I said to Joey And what was Joeys reply? A cheeky buggar? Shurrup Flo. You know what I mean...I goes to the door and theres this lad about six foot tall, just stood there smiling - Put your face straight. Im not talking Clark Gable...Hiya Aunty Alice he says Its me, Gerald. Charlies son Whose Charlie? Me brother I didnt know you had a brother? Well first of all you never asked. And secondly...We dont talk about Charlie...Black sheep and all that Why? What did he do? Married a Catholic Married a Catholic? Thats it? Were tenth generation Methodist in our family And very Christian with it, I see Each to their own Flo. It was the talk of the town when he brought Bridie Ohara home for tea Me Mam went downhill after that. I blame him for her early death I though you said shed got killed when they bombed Picadilly gardens? Yeah she was. But if it hadnt been for the worry about Charlie, she might have been concentrating a bit better...But anyway. There he was, Charlies son. Stood on me doorstep, bold as brass Could you see the Catholic in him Are you being funny? To be honest Alice. I dont know what the fuss is about. Anyway I hope you didnt leave him stood on the pavement Well I wasnt letting him in. Id got no stockings on...And hed could have been anyone! Mind you, hes got the same shifty eyes and two faced look about him that our Charlie had Are you and Charlie twins? Tut!...I said I had the chiropodist in, so I couldnt let him in. Im gonna meet him by Simpson Memorial next week, and if he thinks there was anything in Mams will for him, hes got another think coming. She left everything to me. I dont want nowt of mine falling into Papal hands she said on her deathbed I know! Just think what diabolical dealings the Pope could have got up to with your Mams sideboard I think Ill go home and come back when youre less sarcky You may have a long wait...Be careful out there. Theres a few Nuns walking about Dont be surprised if I dont come back (I bet you do!) ***************************************************************************** Thank you for stopping by to read my stuff. Please like and share my page :) https://facebook/almottley?ref=hl
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 15:02:11 +0000

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