STRATEGIC THINKING It’s amazing how time flies. Just looking - TopicsExpress


STRATEGIC THINKING It’s amazing how time flies. Just looking at it, it appears as though we all said happy New Year a few weeks ago, and considering today’s date the year is almost through. How nice it feels to see how far we have come date wise, and how we have survived, despite the ups and downs, the challenges and issues. We are still here. Some are dead through accidents, robbery, kidnappings and even terrorist attacks. Some lives have been lost through sickness and as I speak many are still in the hospital down with one ailment or the other; a situation they didn’t plan for or anticipated at the start of the year. But no matter what your situation or circumstance is currently good or bad, the common fact is you’re still alive and you’re still here. Your mind is still intact, you’re not insane. You’re still among the living. And can i say to you this morning that no matter how bad you think your situation is right now, a living dog is far better than a dead lion. No matter how weak, tired, frustrated and depressing you may feel this day, i want you to know it’s for a season and if you keep pressing on you’ll see a change faster than you can imagine. For those who are comfortable, happy, satisfied and fulfilled, I’ll like to challenge you also that there is more to you than this level, there is so much more you can acquire, achieve and accomplish. You have so much in you that the world needs and is waiting for you to unleash. This life is not just about you it’s about your society, your community; how you can improve everything and get everyone get better through your contribution, so don’t slow down, don’t relax, don’t get complacent, in as much as we still have issues in Nigeria, we still need you; we need your ideas, skills, capability and contribution. It’s about winning together. An important question I’ll want to ask this today, that i believe cuts across no matter your emotional state and mind tone is, how far have you come this year? What I mean is, compared to last year, how much more have you been able to achieve, accomplish or develop? Has there been a major difference in the style and quality of your life compared to last year? Where did you decided to make a change and you’ve accomplished it? Is there a change in your habits? Do you study more now, have you or are you learning that new skill, have you improved your relationships, are you a better subordinate, are you a better boss, are you a better leader, are you more productive, more disciplined, more result driven, are you getting better? Has there been a great change in you; can anyone see or tell that you’re a better person today? All the New Year resolutions and plans and ideas and commitments are they in fusion or you’ve gradually slipped back into your usual and common ways of doing things? Are you expecting these life improvements to automatically happen or you’re actually initiating the change you desire to see? Are you still complaining, murmuring, making excuses, blaming everyone and giving yourself good reasons why you would rather remain where you are – in mediocrity, stagnation, insufficiency, frustration, fear and anxiety? The truth is we all have very strong emotional and sentimental reasons and arguments to justify our failures, but it doesn’t change the fact that we are failures if we fail. Been successful is not just a state but an attitude as well. Even after you’ve accomplished your feat, sustaining the success is not that easy too, challenges will come alright; it’s the determination to remain focused on success that carries one through. One can get tired and frustrated, but passion and drive will keep you going despite all opposition. But, can I ask this today if the reason why there hasn’t been any remarkable improvement in your life quality is because you’re not strategic in your thinking? Everyone thinks, yes we all do, we all think before we speak or carry out any activity, the difference in the quality of our result and performance is a reflection of the difference in the quality of our thinking. Good thinking yields good performance and results. Poor thinking on the other hand yields poor results and outcomes. We think, that’s true but is your thinking strategic in nature? Strategic thinking is a metal processing of event, occasions, situations and ideas from start to a logical finish where in, you’re already almost sure of the outcome before you start. It’s about thinking through before you start. Many of us are reactive and impulsive in our thinking. We deal with issues as they come and as we feel. Most times in reacting we protect ourselves and our hearts first; we avoid being vulnerable, we avoid the risk, the work or responsibility; we are seldom logical. That’s why most of us see opportunities and think its hard work, we get a lifeline and think it’s too strenuous, we’re offered access and we think its discomfort. Our misunderstanding of these propellers is simply because we’re not strategic in our thinking. We focus more on now than the future. We want to remain as we are, we hate disruptions either good or bad. It’s not enough to dream, even writing down a vision and a plan is no guarantee for accomplishment; you must be disciplined enough to do what it requires to see what is desired. You must work hard, tolerate doubters, rejection, disapproval, criticism, failure and mistakes, they’re all part of the deal. Never assume because you have it all worked out and written down it would be smooth sailing. It’s never the case, nothing good comes that easy. Life will challenge your commitment to your dreams, passion and destiny. You must prove you’re tougher than your challenges. Please revisit the plans you made at the start of the year. What are those things you planned to do, achieve and accomplish? What new good habits did you have in mind to take on, what bad habits did you plan to drop? Are you still hanging out with those friends and associates going nowhere and discouraging you from progressing? Are you still paying attention to those giving you false comfort that it’s not your fault things aren’t going so well? Are you still rejecting responsibilities and pointing fingers at others for your issues? Are you still blaming your background, waiting for that uncle, that aunty, that relative to deliver your good fortunes at your door step? Are you still being deceived by false religious teachings that you need not do anything that money will fall from the sky? Are you still busy impressing people, chasing unprofitable activities and doing all sorts of stuff to make people still like you, approve of you and desire your company? Are you still busy wasting your time, money, effort on that lady or man you know is using you and will never marry you? Are you still thinking of getting something for nothing, are you still thinking you’re entitled to prosperity, riches and wealth simply because you’re a Nigerian? Are you still thinking the government is solely to blame for your failures and challenges? Are you still rejecting responsibility? Thinking someone should do it while you will just be an observer? Can I say this today that this Nation Nigeria is not a cake; the whole thinking about national cake breeds self-centeredness and greed, Nigeria is not a cake, Nigeria is a project? You shouldn’t expect to get anything if you’re not giving anything, every nation progresses and grows with the thinking of investment and contribution then reward. What are you giving? Where and how are you contributing? Are you an onlooker or a part player? Time is running out, the year is very ripe, drop the excuses; I’ve often said to people that excuses are the nails used in building a house of failure. You only make excuses when you fail, you don’t need excuses when you succeed. Get up and stand up, get rid of that mindset, the thinking, the people, the environment and the weaknesses holding you down! Encourage yourself, inspire yourself; motivate yourself; refresh your drive for success and accomplishment. This year must be different for you, it must be rewarding, and it must be full of pleasant stories of successes, victories and accomplishments. My dear friend, it’s all up to you, when the going gets tough, the tough must keep going, you’re not weak, you’re strong, you’re intelligent, bold, confident, gifted and capable. That set back cannot stop you; that mistake cannot stop you, your critics can’t stop you, your errors can’t stop you, all the betrayal, treachery, sell out and hurt can’t stop you. You may have even made some mistakes and feel disappointed in yourself, it doesn’t mean it’s over for you, you will learn from it and get better, even the shame and ridicule you may be facing as a consequence is for a season, you are coming out of it. Be strategic in your thinking; always think with the end in mind. Despite all that may have happened to you since the year began; you can still have a great year. Enjoy your day!#HERO¤
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:21:30 +0000

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