STRATEGIES OF BOOK DISTRIBUTION: DOOR TO DOOR Continuation of the excerpt from Bhakti Vriksha Manual 2nd Edition. Book Distribution For Everyone, by Navina Nirada Prabhu Distribution of transcendental literature going door-to-door is a Vaisnava tradition. Lord Nityananda and Haridasa Thakura went door-to-door in Nadia, tolerating all insults and attacks, distributing Krishnas message. Srrila Prabhupada carried forward this mission distributing BTGs door-to-door in Delhi before coming to the US. After he founded ISKCON, devotees all around the world have been going out and distributing his books at peoples doors. Advantages of Door-to-Door * Captive Audience: Unlike distributing books to passer-byes on the streets, you have a captive audience here. There is no need to chase and stop them, rather when you knock on their doors, people come up to you (to open the door) and talk. This takes away a lot of pressure. Moreover, physically also, this may be less taxing than distribution on streets as youre less exposed to the elements. * Chance to Develop Relationship: If a person takes a book, then its easier to follow up with them since you know where they live. You can establish a relationship with an interested person by revisiting them with prasadam, inviting them to events or local nama-hatta/Bhakti-vriksha programs. These are some tips, and It is just a starting point to give you ideas so you can start your own door-to-door book distribution prograPreparation steps 1. Books: First thing is to always keep some books (in a box or a bag) in your car. You cannot distribute unless you have books. Not having them gives the mind an excuse to dilly-dally and postpone. Having them with you creates a desire to give them out. 2. What books to carry: Generally there is no set list. Carry whatever is available. However, dont forget to carry some books in different languages. Youll always run into some foreign language speaking people wherever you go and they are very conducive to taking our books. 3. Carry Fliers: Carry fliers on basic concepts like soul, chanting, meditation, yoga etc. The fliers should contain info about the temple, directions, local nama-hatta programs etc. Give a flyer whether or not they take a book. If they are not home or dont open the door, put a flier on their door.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:38:27 +0000

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