STRATEGY FOR MINISTRY 14 - GOD’S ACRE REVISITED (2) - The Assistant Druid invited the “missionaries” to his home to meet the families – we pagans are normal decent and friendly people. Don’t stand on ceremony, come in smart casual. And, hey, guys BRING YOUR LEADER – I mean sauce for the goose: people find church uncomfortable; I dare say you guys found our Coven uncomfortable. - The EVANGELICAL Bishop of Northmorland was there in BUSINESS casual, and the Big Friendly Biker invited him to say a few words. - He took as his theme the idea of a precious rose. It is too tender to survive up here, so the gardener takes a cutting and grafts it on to the more robust wild variety. Let me frankly lay my cards on the table: the church is too tender to survive in modern Britain, and we need be grafted on to the more robust and native religion in order to survive, which is where YOU come in - Somehow we have missed out on the huge and diverse spirituality in this country - you encounter Jesus in the most unlikely people, and we need to truly engage with these folks. - I think it involves HUMILITY: LISTENING – LISTENING and LEARNING – the Archdeacons’ Working Party has been beavering away at this for over a year, and we have finally agreed a template, and I envisage that within 2 years there will be a comprehensive handbook setting out an action plan. Three copies will be forwarded to each parish: one for the Vicar, one for the PCC Secretary, and one to be available in the Church Office for people to view. - Each PCC will then asked for parish feedback, and then within three months report to me on how they intend to HIT THE MILEPOSTS ON THE DASHBOARD – Thank you, one and all. - There was applause and the Big Friendly Biker nodded: YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE ;) - Assistant Druid: thank you, Bishop, nice talk – and now the moment you have all been waiting for: SUPPER! - Big Friendly Biker: Haven’t you forgotten something? - Assistant Druid: What? - Big Friendly Biker: FOR-WHAT-WE-ARE-ABOUT-TO-RECEIVE ;) -
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 05:26:29 +0000

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