STRATEGY FOR PEACE IN SOUTH SUDAN. Peace in South Sudan is - TopicsExpress


STRATEGY FOR PEACE IN SOUTH SUDAN. Peace in South Sudan is attainable but all 64 tribes have to work collectively for it. These tribes have to compromise for the good of the Nation. The simple thing for the 64 tribes to start doing now is to re-establish contact with each other via the social media along with exchanging private phone numbers. I said “re-establish” because before “Ridiculous” Riek “Murderer” Machar created this calamity on the innocent and unsuspecting people of South Sudan, the 64 tribes had a cordial relationship; an intimate relationship; and a platonic relationship with each other. The people of the 64 tribes, not the politicians, need to open that line of communication once again. The next step is for the government to open a special school (National Academy) for 640 students – 10 students from each tribe from age 7, they must be able to enroll in the National Academy. These 640 students must be schooled in problem resolution; psychology; each student must be able to speak, read and write fluently in at least 7 languages out of the 64 dialects. Students must spend their vacation at other tribes other than their own. Lastly, as a priority, every student in kindergarten, primary, public and private college, university and the special National Academy must be schooled in Pan-Afrakan Nationalism. Pan-Afrakan Nationalism must be compulsory for all clerical workers. We can forget federalism. Federalism will only lead us right back onto the path of tribalism. I’m giving you my honest assessment when I say Riek Machar is the problem and he must be ruled out of any further discussion on Peace. The current President, the Hon. Salva Kiir must remain in power until the end of his term. He must to be given the chance to fulfill the voters mandate. Remember, it was you that overwhelmingly elected the Hon. President, Salva Kiir to run the young country and within two years that demon, Riek Machar caused mayhem to befall to the peaceful people of South Sudan. Always keep in mind it is because of Old Nick Riek Machar’s mayhem that President Salva Kiir did not get the chance to carry out the voters mandate, and that is unfear to the sitting President, Salva Kiir. A government that was elected by 98% of its people has no reason to suddenly start killing its own people. Such a silly rational could only come from the morbid mind of this notorious monster, Riek Machar. There was a coup and that evil man Riek Machar was behind it to depose the sitting president. Only those who choose to remain, blind, deaf and dumb believed there wasn’t a coup. To speak of peace, we must be able to put forward proposals dealing with peace as opposed to war. Gatluak War, from all of his comments) seems to think that a bloody war between Dinka and Nuer is the only solution. Well, what do you expect from a man that supports a madman by the name of Riek “Raven Lunatic” Machar? I said Black people are a stickler for the truth. We don’t like people lying to us, manipulating us or trying to deceive us. Riek Machar, Mr. PhD in skullduggery, has done all three of these things plus he has caused the death of umpteen thousands of Nuer people. Riek Machar is reckless, deprave, dangerous, unstable and unfit to lead Nuer people. For those of you who are still boasting about Riek “Sick” Machar’s PhD, Dr. Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi is far more intelligent than Riek Machar and Jacob Zuma put together. With the support of the biggest tribe (the Zulus) behind him in South Afraka, Buthelezi could have been a more powerful leader in South Afraka than Nelson Mandela. But just like Riek Machar, Buthelezi betrayed the Zulu people. Buthelezi refused to take a hard and uncompromising stance against apartheid. The Zulus silently sidelined Dr. Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi and throw their massive support behind the ANC. The intelligent Nuers knew Machar betrayed the revolution when he’d joined up with the Arabs in 1991 and they knew he also orchestrated the December, 2013 coup d’e’-tat to either rule as a dictator or destabilize and destroy an independent nation that was just two years old. The intelligent Nuers are quietly turning their backs on Riek Machar by holding back on their donations. The rest are now thinking a war is unwinnable; and what if we win this war with the aid of the Arabs – All a Dinka has to do is cut a better deal for a lower oil price and they will get the support from the rich investors who don’t give a damn about how many Nuers, Dinka or the rest of people from the other 62 tribes get maim, torture, rape, murder or suffer. Ptah Maakhrw Ra Amen, Elder at APCE, Minister, Gatekeeper & Warlord on the frontline for the Liberation & Unification of the Afrakan Nation (LUAN). Amen-Ra!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 20:57:41 +0000

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