STRAY TORTOISE IN A STRANGE TERRAIN. IT WAS REPORTED WIDELY YESTERDAY IN SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS ACROSS DELTA STATE BY AGENTS OF SOME BATTLE WEARY GUBER ASPIRANTS THAT FEW TRIBAL LEADERS IN DELTA NORTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT HAD HIJACKED DELTA PDP, UNDERMIND THE PARTY AND ITS LEARDERSHIP AND IMPOSED THEIR OWN CHOOSEN DELTA STATE GUBER CANDIDATES ON PRESIDENT GOODLUCK EBERE JONATHAN FOR DELIVERANCE. FELLOW DELTANS, Information reaching us confirmed that a certain tribal group called Anioma National Congress had indeed attempted to hijacked the PDP structure in the state, undermind the party and its leadership and imposed their annointed candidates on the party and the good people of Delta State via Aso Rock. Truely, some few ethnic leaders in Delta North, did indeed went to Abuja to present three names of their Anioma sons who they claimed to have interviewed to President Goodluck Ebere Jonathan for endorsement as the only aspirants they found qualified to fly the PDP flag in the partys guber primary cumb the general elections, the source said. Our reliable source further, however, informed us that their ill-adventure was foiled by Aso Rock, they were rightly snubbed by the presidency as they were not a PDP caucus. The stands of Aso Rock is that the choice of who participant in PDP primaries and who she field for the general elections is entirely an inhouse issue for the party, added the source. Our source concluded that the group leader had complained bitterly that Tony Obuh, had paid them a visit, but had still not attended their interview. What does this interview mean? Fellow Deltans, your guess is as good as mine. It is very disheartening to observed that desperate for power had pushed some aspirants to resort to tribal lords to bail them out of their weariness in the guber race. They are short distance runners and have indeed proved to Deltans that they believe in tribal, ethnic and clanish politics and in impositions which they had all along falsefully accused His Excellency of. As the saying goes, adverse conditions bring out the true content of mens characters. The aspirants involved in this misadventure are simply tribalistic. DELTANS, SAY NO TO TRIBAL POLITICS. DELTANS, SAY NO TO ETHNIC POLITICS. DELTANS, SAY NO TO CLANISH POLITICS. DELTANS, SAY YES TO A UNITED DELTA. DELTANS, SAY YES TO A PROGRESSIVE DELTA. DELTANS, SAY YES TO A FRESH BREAK. WE, DELTANS need a true detribalised individual to pilot the affairs of our great State, someone who has vast experience in the geopolitics of the state to move IT forward to a glorious height. Deltans do not need tribal and clanish bigots. Tony Obuh is lavishly endowed with administrative leadership capacity in view of his enviable and intimidating civil service profile. Undoubtedly, Tony Obuh is a highly detribalised Deltan, a brother to all and a better political messiah of Delta State than the self-proclaimed political bulldozers, moneybags and clanish corrupt politicians. WHERE ARE THESE OGISOS COMING FROM?
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 13:14:07 +0000

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