STREET-NAZIS AND PINSTRIPE-FASCISTS, JJK NAZI-CONNECTION OF THE WEST ESSAY written by Jahn J Kassl tranlated by Franz GYSI IN THE BUNDESTAG „Gregor Gysi, the leader of the Parliamentary Party “Die Linken” in Germany took the EU to task regarding the Crimea crisis: “From Gorbatschow until today the EU and NATO did everything wrong – because they considered themselves to be victors of the Cold War.” Gregor Gysi gave the German Government and the EU a lecture on the subject of International Law. He accused Barroso and the EU of tremendous mistakes. The West jerked only the Ukraine, nobody understood the importance of Crimea for Russia and the thereby related anxieties of the Russians. While the West broke international law repeatedly in past years, the West now invokes international law. The EU and the German Government accepted that the constitution was violated in the overthrow of President Janukowitsch – now they invoke the constitution in their criticism of Putin in his handling of the situation in Crimea. Gysi asked: “When is the constitution really valid?” He accused the German Government of having imposed a lockout on contacts with Austria years ago because of Jörg Haider; and now right from the start they clearly recognize the government in Kiev that obviously has been staffed by many fascists. The party “Swoboda” talked of “Russian pigs” and “Jewish pigs” and the Ukrainians should shoot and kill them. It is a disgrace that the EU has selected such a government as a partner. Gysi: “And you, Mrs. Merkel, cooperate with such a government?” Gysi said, he hopes that the lesson from the conflict with the Ukraine will be the renewed clear enforcement of international law.” (Deutsche Wirtschaftnachrichten, 3/16/2014, youtube video available) For all human Beings who still suppress the situation in the Ukraine a citation from Oleh Tjahnbok, the leader of the Ukrainian party “Swoboda” in the wording of Gysi in the German Parliament: “Grab the guns, fight against the Russian pigs, the Germans, the Jewish pigs and other evils.” He is a flawless Nazi, who repeatedly attracted attention with his verbal attacks on Foreigners, Jews and Russians. He also proposed the shutdown of several TV stations in the Ukraine, especially Russian speaking ones. THE NAZI-LIST OF MINISTERS Thereby it is worth knowing: The Vice-Prime minister, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of the Environment, the Attorney General, they all belong to the Swoboda-Fascists. The Chief of National Security was even a founding member of the Party. Fascists dominate the security apparatus of the Ukraine – they dominated the Maidan, when deadly bullets were fired, so that the putschists Jazenjuk, Klitschko and also Tjahnybok could take over the government in Kiev. COURTED BY THE WEST AND RECOGNIZED Merkel, Obama, Barroso, Steinmeier and the entire noble circle of “democrats” concern themselves with such individuals! Instead of throwing the Nazis out from their positions, they all get elevated into their positions! Instead of denying any legitimacy to the entire Ukrainian Putschist Government, all EU Foreign Ministers immediately recognized it, in a disgusting gesture of subordination to the USA. The referendum in the Crimea (3/16/2014) on the other hand is deemed illegal! Popular votes are not wanted (it is like that in the EU) and the fact that there is a Russian military presence in the Crimea must serve as a thin argument that a democratic referendum is impossible. RERFERENDUM AND MILITRAY PRESENCE IN CRIMEA “From the viewpoint of international law a popular vote is a legal form of expression of will. The People can make such an expression of their free will in a popular vote and nobody may deny the population of the Crimea this right. If one wants to examine the legality of the referendum, one also needs to examine the events in Kiev, especially in the Maidan, for its legality. We say: It was a Putsch.” Sergej J. Netschajew, since 2010 Russian Foreign Ambassador in Austria (Tageszeitung Österreich, 3/16/2014). Just as a reminder: Russian Military presence on the peninsula in the Black Sea has existed for decades and in 2010 the treaty has been extended until 2042! This fact not only explains the Russian Military presence in Sewastopol, the largest seaport of the Crimea, but also justifies it. Ambassador Netschajew: “We have there the base of the Russian Black Sea fleet. It is stationed there based on bilateral agreements with the former Ukrainian Government. The authorizations, which the Parliament in relation to this has given to President Putin in order to protect the Russian population of the Crimea, have not been realized so far.” Already under Catharina II, “Catharina the Great” (1729-1796) on April 8th, 1783 the Crimea “from now on and for all times” has been declared Russian territory and until today this remained such with a few interruptions. Of the 2.35 million people who live in Crimea, 60 percent are Russian and 25 percent Ukrainian. ...”according to a study from the year 2005, roughly 97% of the population in Crimea primarily speak Russian.” (Wikipedia) And Russian was the language that the Nazi-Government in Kiev outlawed as a first official act after the Maidan Putsch! This is called “conflict programming” that leads directly to armed conflict. The West on the other hand – although in hypocritical – because knowing full well – attitude is surprised that the population of Crimea run away from the fascist pack in Kiev and are drawn to “Father Russia”. MERKEL RUTHLESS The German Merkel nevertheless and against knowing better speaks of “annexation”. More wrong than wrong and even the foreign ministry rebuffs her: “An annexation is to be feared, but it has not happened yet. Nobody makes that claim.” (Speaker for foreign affairs Martin Schäfer) Nonetheless Merkel is undeterred and becomes more and more like the Madman who from 1933-1945 did his mischief. The Chancellor raddles the sabers (“we cannot let Putin get away with it”) and she impassively beats the war drums (the “willingness for sacrifice” of the German population has already been asked for). Therefore in the case of the Ukraine the following can be said: Everywhere the West cannot prevail in its interests as desired due to bribery, threats, intrigue and subversion, conflicts are stoked, fires ignited and revolutions provoked and financed by the revolution agency number 1 of the USA, the CIA. Revolution tourism made in USA in the whole world and now in the middle of Europe. How terrifying! And in order to divert attention from exactly that, the knee-jerk reaction is: “Hold the thief!” And already Putin becomes the new Hitler (Hillary Clinton, Count Schwarzenberg) while Obama passes as the good guy and philanthropist in its purest form – still. “History is the lie one has agreed to”, said Voltaire. And in the Ukraine, history continues to be written, because the USA and Europe a long time ago have already agreed to a common lie. Thereby one consciously takes into consideration that Street-Nazis like Tjahnybok and his gang of thugs carry out the dirty work for the pine-stripe fascists in Washington or Berlin. RECOURSE FROM NO WAY OUT? I say: Also this “revolution” will devour its children and surviving will be the ones who have ruthlessly instigated these from ambush. Unless we wake up and call a spade a spade! Unless we bring these doings, which are only possible due to our “not-knowing” and our “not-wanting-to-know”, out into the open! Unless we confront this deadly dynamic, whereby war is called peace and dictatorship is called democracy, with great determination! In Summary from John F Kennedy: For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system, which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. (…) No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.” (…) “And so it is to the printing press--to the recorder of mans deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news-that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.” This is a portion of the speech that President John F. Kennedy gave at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961. The President and the Press before the American Newspaper Publishers Association. And otherwise I demand the unconditional basic income for all human Beings 0-99 as a basic birthright. Jahn J Kassl (This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor” to all editorialstaffs and publishers of daily newspapers and weekly magazines inAustria, Germany and Switzerland, as well as to top-level politiciansin Austria.) The light world publishing and the author do not lead any corrspondencewhatsoever on the texts / massages published on this website. Obama, order, we follow you - JAHN J KASSL:
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 08:46:42 +0000

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