STRIVE TO ENTER AT THE STRAIGHT GATE THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD ELIJAH.PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR GOSPEL ON YOUTUBE. @ ----------- The bible say strive to enter at the straight gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter and shall not be able luke-13-24, did you read it ,many will like to be in the struggle,and shall not be able .For two reason ,first,the bible speaking of the beast ,say ,and all that dwell upon the earth ,shall worship him whose name are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world Rev-13-8, now it will be news to some of you to know that this lamb is the lord Elijah, not Jesus,REV-14-1,not jesus,Rev-7-17,not jesus ,also rev-14-4, these are they which follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth Elijah not Jesus, keep in mind jesus must stay in heaven until the restitution of all things ACTS-3-21. But this lamb the lord Elijah is taking part in the action before the restitution of all things,REV-6-16 THIS lamb is in war REV-17-14,every soul in this revolution have a special assignment from the lord Elijah ,let us read it in ISA-58-5-10,that is your work ,how many are on the lord side. 2 Kings-9-32,I have never in all my life seen a revolutionary man or woman doing nothing, they stay busy,1 TIM-6-19, we do not need a million people to change the world, just a few that think like a million. Acts-17-6, one year to work like never before PSA-54-6 leave this holy Passover knowing that you cannot go back home and sit down, 1 corint-10-5-7, black people need to be told that someone care for them 1 PETER-5-7 that someone love them 1 john-4-11 let my love stay with you always, be black always, build up Zion, let all the world know, there is some for the black side ZECH-10-3-5, read the good news ZECH-9-8 I wish to leave with you as I close PROVERBS-3-31 take this home with you PROVERBS-3-31 and put with it 3john 1-7, LOVE MY LOVE. For more information please call-592-219-0430/676-6798, after reading please SHARE.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 10:12:41 +0000

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