STUBBORN FAITH Twelve years ago, I went to Sierra Leone, - TopicsExpress


STUBBORN FAITH Twelve years ago, I went to Sierra Leone, Africa. I have traveled the Mediterranean, Israel, and the Middle East. I have preached to the masses and all kinds of people. I ministered to Kings and Queens and people who simply thought they were. As we were preparing to leave for Sierra Leone we went to Heathrow Airport in London, England. I had my passport and my ticket but I did not have a visa (you do need a visa to get into Sierra Leone). I went to the British Airway flight agent. Good afternoon, madam, I said. She replied, Do you have your visa, Sir? I asked, What for? She said, You need a visa to go. I told her, Im sorry, I did not know this. She said, Rev. McLean, you cannot go. Ive got to go, Im a preacher, I replied. Im sorry, Reverend McLean, you cannot go. If Im not going, that plane will not move. You cannot say that unless you know it. My wife was next to me and she said, Renny, you cant say that. I responded, I am going on that plane. If God wants me on that plane He will send me. That is if God really spoke Did God tell you? Marina asked. I stood there and eyeballed that lady and said, That plane is not going anywhere unless I am on it. I sat down and raised my hands. Renny you are definitely a man of faith, Marina answered. Devil, I dare you to get the plane out of my hand, I declared. I held my hand up and I saw the plane in my hand. One hour passed and the plane could not move. Two hours passed and the plane couldnt move. Three hours passed and the plane did not move. Five hours passed and the plane did not move. They deplaned all of the passengers. They couldnt figure out what was wrong because everything appeared to be normal. Now, its going on seven hours and I am drinking tea and hot chocolate. I told Marina, You can go home now. The plane is not going unless I am on it. The lady came back after eating her lunch, saw me sitting there holding my hand up in the air and said, How come you have got your hand like that? I answered, I am holding the plane. She looked at me with one of those Boy, youre some kind of nut case looks. Oh well, the church has looked the fool, because we didnt know whether wed heard from God or not. I said, Lady, I told you that plane is not going anywhere unless I am on it. She said, I remember you saying that and you are still here. Yes, and that plane will be down another seven hours if I am not on it, I responded. She retorted, If this is true about you and God, then you get on the plane and see if it will move. Can you just imagine the smirk on her face? I got on that plane and said, In the name of Jesus, I release this plane. The flight attendants slammed the door shut. The plane proceeded to the main runway. Why werent you on here before? the people on board asked me. I said, Well, it was because of me the plane didnt move. (Not the best way to win friends and influence people.) The problem with us today is that we have diluted what the Bible calls faith. We have turned faith into a cheap commodity. No wonder it does not work. Is the devil a liar? Yes. So, if the devil is a liar, then why should we believe him?. Hope is dependent on faith for something to come to full fruition. The problem is that we live in two separate worlds. In my own mind, I do not accept limits. I dont see four walls. Now faith is! If you are still seeing your circumstance then you are not yet seeing in the spirit. Faith is the foundation of hope. Now faith is! The church speaks of revival. I cant call it revival when a dead person comes to life and a blind one sees. Ive witnessed that for the last twenty-five years. I met the Lord when I was five years old and received my call at the age of seven. When I was nine, God used me to cast out devils. He was using me to heal the sick when I was ten and to raise the dead at fourteen years of age. I had a breakthrough when I was a young boy. I learned that God is not way out there somewhere. He is inside of me. The One inside of me is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 (KJV) Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever. I am not waiting for a move of God. It is within me. Wherever I go, the devil has to leave because of the presence and power of Christ in me. There are no options; Jesus knew His authority. The Bible tells us They killed Jesus not because He was a prophet but because He said He was the Son of God. They accepted Him in the fivefold ministry according to Ephesians 4. They accepted Him as a teacher but they had problems when He said He was the Son of God. By that declaration He was saying He was equal with God. The Bible says you are a Son of God. 1 John 3:2 (KJV) Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. The revelation is in using the words joint heir—to be made equal with. (Romans. 8:17) In equality priority goes to the one who was first. In Romans it says Christ has the full preeminence. We are his brethren but He was the first. We are made equal to Him. When the devil looks at you he sees God in flesh, in human form. He doesnt hang around that. When I was a young man conducting and attending conferences and crusades all over England, the devils stopped coming. The devil knows who can pray. Many walk in the knowledge of ignorance. Satan cannot get advantage over us unless we are ignorant of his devices. 2 Cor 2:11 (KJV) Lest Satan should get an advantage of us. for we are not ignorant of his devices. (Jenny Mclean)
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 05:25:38 +0000

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