STUDENT LEADERS PASS A VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE ON KASIM MUHAMMAD, THE SPECIAL ASSISTANT ON STUDENT MATTERS TO THE GOVERNOR OF NASARAWA STATE The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing -Edmund Burke It is with the above quoted declaration in mind, that Nasarawa students at home and in Diaspora pass a VOTE of No Confidence on Kasim Muhammad, the Special Assistant on Student Matters to the Executive Governor Of Nasarawa State, Alhaji Tanko Umar Almakura, over his nonchalant attitudes and his insensitivity to the plight of Nasarawa State Students. Aside the fact that Kasim Muhammad is not competent, as evident in his performance in office and academics having left the Nasarawa State University Keffi with JUST a certificate of attendance. Its quite apparent that he is unfit to represent the generality of Nasarawa State Students in the Government under the leadership of Alhaji Umar Tanko Almakura as he lacks the wherewithal to constructively engage and even mobilize Nasarawa State Students to support the Government of the day. His inability to use the instrumentality of his office to ensure that Nasarawa State Students get justice following the cold blood murder of two of its students during a peaceful struggle against oppression and repression by some trigger-happy security operatives,many months after he resumed office is a testimony of his gross incompetence and a betrayal of confidence and expectation. As though that was not enough,the SA has remain aloof and appears to lack the common tenets of human relations has failed or rather does not deem it expedient enough to share in the sorrow of his constituents,is yet to visit with the family of the fallen heroes. Only reaffirms that leopards do not change their spots after all. The most unfortunate thing is to realize that instead of the SA to be more concerned about the welfare of Nasarawa State Students, he is more interested in how to factionalize the noble body of Nasarawa State Students Association (NASSA) National body known for peace, development and progress (P.D.P). He is fervently fixated with the state Busary where ghost students will benefit than the real and bona fide students of the state. We therefore use this medium to call on all Nasarawa State students to reject the imposed fees and charges expected from them before the Busary could be paid as this is a deliberate attempt to disqualify legitimate students of the state from benefiting from what is due to them, especially when is evident that EDUCATION remains a RIGHT and not a privilege. We urge Governor Almakura to terminate the appointment of the students encumbrance, Kasim Muhammad with immediate effect owing to his incompetence and lack of leadership quality and appoint a more qualified person with at least a sound academic qualification so that such a person can organise a periodic tutorials for all students of Nasarawa State Students Association (NASSA) National body. We equally advise the myopic, jaundiced SA to go back to School and also learn the ABCs of leadership because the position of SA on Student Matters is too sensitive to be left in the hands of a mediocre like Kasim Muhammad. How on earth can Governor Almakura appoints a person who do men instead of women, little wonder why he prefers the single game. If Governor Almakura fails to sack Kasim Muhammad with immediate effect, the good people of Nasarawa State and beyond will not be left with any option than to accept the fact that the Governor have a hidden agenda with the appointment of Kasim Muhammad However, We wish him well in his future endeavours, as we await the news of his removal because of his role in the polarization of Nasarawa State Students Association (NASSA) National body and involvement in partisan politics. I remain your feisty, dogged and committed Comrade Ibrahim Kabiru Dallah, Students Ambassador/Former Assistant Secretary General, NASSA, For: Concerned Former Students Leaders. Writes from Kaduna, Nigeria. 23rd, November, 2013, @ik_dallah on twitter.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 06:38:20 +0000

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