STUDENTS UNION GOVERNMENT, OLABISI ONABANJO UNIVERSITY, AGO-IWOYE. PRESS BRIEFING ON 1st OF AUGUST, 2014 Students, gentlemen of the press, ladies and gentlemen, I welcome everybody here to this press briefing. One that is vital as we continue our struggle for the downward review of our tuition fee and other demands. It is imperative to note that this press briefing is the second since the genesis of this noble demands of ours. The first, apart from demanding downward review of tuition fee also informed the general public of the State Government thoughtless ill-directive to the School Management that they should find way of generating internal revenue to pay salaries and also the constant threat of strike by ASUU-OOU Chapter due to lack of payment of their salaries by Government which both has various degree of consequences on us as students. Today, sequel to the resolution of the Students House of Senate, the legislative arm of our Union which reflected the yearning of the entire Students, permit me to use this medium to inform you that Olabisi Onabanjo University,Students Union Government and her entire members- Students, will be embarking on boycott of lectures starting from Monday, 4th of August till Tuesday, 5th of August as we further our noble demands. Let me say here unequivocally, we will never be discourage or allow any form of intimidation as we continue to engage in whatsoever peaceful action for us to acheive our demands. We strongly believe that education is a right and never will it be a privilege, sadly the current exorbitant fee negate that as it shows that in Ogun State, education is a privilege. Even if we understand that the School Managment do supplement the crumb of funding from the State Government with the fee, we, in strong term reject this in totality as we cant continue on this inglorious path; supporting the transfer of Government responsibility to our parents who have been subjected to economy strangulation by the same Government through their neo-liberalism policies and rooted corruption. For those asking why now since the fee has been like this since 2011. Our answers are simple. The Nigeria economy and particularly Ogun State is not getting better as the state of economic hardship in the country is an impediment of continous paying of this fee,which ranges from 134,000 to 298,000 as we all know that the current fee contradict the economy reality of today. Also, it is vital to note that our thinking which we are now regretting was that the Government will do justice by reducing the fee without us demanding as it is expected for any progressive-minded Government, unfortunately, almost after 3 years, the status quo remain and lastly, we cant continue to bear the increment in the numbers of our members that drop-out from school due to the singular reason of their inability to afford such obnoxious and exorbitant fee. Therefore, we have no other choice than to voice out, as this fee is a big threat to our future as Nigerian students. Let me quickly point out that our decision for Boycott of lectures is due to Government failure to response having written to them as we believe strongly in consulting first. Let me also use this medium to solicit for the intervention of every noble individuals, our traditional rulers in Ogun State and organizations to assist in ensuring that the State Government under His excellency, Senator Ibikunle Amosun grants our demands as we believe qualitative and affordable education is the only lasting legacy any government can give to her people. Our Demands Are : (1) Downward review of our tuition Fee by th Government. (2) Proper Funding of the University by the Government (3)Completion of Abandoned Hostels as a solution to constant harrassment by security agencies and insecurity. Finally, I want to implore all Oouites to comply with our collective decision as victory in struggle is only possible when it is done collectively. Permit me to end here as I believe without any iota of doubt, that in the face of exorbitant fee, Oouites shall be victorious. Thank you. Signed: Ifade Olusegun President. 07033937013
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 19:02:24 +0000

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