STUDIO OBSERVATIONS Working in a music studio is fun,you get to - TopicsExpress


STUDIO OBSERVATIONS Working in a music studio is fun,you get to notice certain habits dzine certain groups of musicians,here is a few observations: RESPECT: In terms of respect the mbira groups are the very best,they have a lot of respect towards each other and towards studio stuff,most of them even uchimutambidza mbira anoombera,pakushevedzana they use mitupo,ive never worked with a mbira group that argued or fought amongst themselves in the studio. FIGHTS&ARGUMENTS: In terms of fights&arguments Rhumba guys from Drc takes the award,they can fight over anything,from how a drum roll should be played to the guitar tone.when i say fight i dont mean verbal only,it can be verbal or physical.&when they speak they are generally loud,kuzoti vavakurwa mahwan thousand. COMEDY: It seems all musicians are comedians,they only differ on the levels,some look very normal in the media,once u start working with them. ndoopaunoona kuti mapenzi. SINGERS&THE BAD VOICE EXCUSE: Most singers once its time to sing complain that they have a bad voice today,the most common excuse isi think im about to catch a flu,my voice is very bad todayOr they ask for water everytime they hit a wrong note DRUMMERS WHO CANT PLAY WITH METRONOME EXCUSE: They usually complain that using a metronome will make the music unnatural etc,the truth is he cant play to a click track...period,Lol ROOTS REGGAE MUSICIANS They also have a lot of respect towards one another&studio stuff,except they dont call each other with totems but with patois influenced names,but in terms of respect they are on number2 FEMALE GOSPEL ARTISTS Usually come with husbands who are their managers&tsano usually knows nothing about his roles as manager,at times he starts telling the musicians what to play not knowing thats not a managers job.they also love to come to the studio with their spoiled uncontrollable kids. RICH CLIENTS Suprisingly these are the most difficult when it comes to payments,clients who look poor,esp those from the rural areas never give you any problems money wise,these guys vemari will keep telling youim in a meetingkana waakuda mari ukamusiya achishanda asina kubhadhara
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:34:36 +0000

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