STUDY YOUR MINISTRY: Examine yourself. Where is my weaknesses? - TopicsExpress


STUDY YOUR MINISTRY: Examine yourself. Where is my weaknesses? Where am I possibly wrong, and what can I do about it, and when do I need to start? Make yourself teachable. Christ said over and over again in the Gospels “he that hath ears to hear”. Every man needs to keep himself as open to the work of the ministry as they need to be. Perhaps the downfall of many is not admitting that they need help. Dr Mike Mutchler says it well: “DETERMINE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD A WORK. The key word is “learn. I just dont understand the mentality of it. Here is a pastor who starts a church. After two or three years, he still only has a handful of people (20-50), and yet he is too proud to admit he needs to learn some things. When you cannot admit you need to still learn about the work of the Lord, you had better resign anyway because you are through. STUDY YOUR MINISTRY HERE ARE SOME HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS 1. Realize that you did not learn everything in college . You have a degree hanging in the office, so you are too proud to ask anyone how to do something. You did not learn everything you needed to learn in college, but hopefully you learned to learn in college. College isnt meant to teach you all you need in ministry .It is to get you started in the right direction and instill a desire to learn that stays with you throughout life. When you think you know it all, you will stop learning, and hence, stop growing. Be glad your college taught you to learn, and go out and learn some things. 2. Look around and find some successful pastor who is building a soul-winning work. Try to find one who started and is building the work; but if you cannot find someone who started the work, find someone who is building a growing, soul-winning work for God. Now that you have chosen such a man, go and see him. Get to know this man very well, because he will help you to learn how to build a work. Of course, he is busy, but every man has time to invest in someone who wants to learn. We have enough people who want our time who are not interested in learning anything; we look to give our time to those who are wanting to learn something to better serve God. The Bible says: Commit thou to faithful men. Now, one appointment with this man will not be enough. Establish a relationship with this pastor that allows you the opportunity to pick his brain, bounce ideas off of him, and get much needed advice about certain situations that arise. You will be calling this man on the phone or visiting with him many times in the course of a year. Now, find yourself such a pastor to teach you how to build a work for God. Do remember that the work of God is more important than our pride. “ PLAN YOUR MINISTRY Dr Ron Schaffer always said that every pastor should planA “PAPER CHURCH’’ For many years of teaching this to churches across this country, I have found the great power in that idea. Example is: If you have a goal of 100, and your Sunday school classes Average 50 and you have 6 classes, then how many more classes will you need to add to have 100. Of course the answer is 50% or 6 more classes. Work it, it will work. WORK YOUR MINISTRY If God intended for it to work, and He did, then why is it not working in your ministry? STUDY! DON’T QUIT—–DO THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY Dr Roy Harris
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:04:29 +0000

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