SUBHANALLOH.. 2 YEAR AGAIN YOU WILL SEE THE MAMMOTH ELEPHANT ON BACK Virtually every part of the body of a living creature available DNA code in it. In 1986, Svante Pääbo, a biological Nobel laureate from Sweden, managed to map the DNA on the corpses mummified 2,400 years old. In July 2003, Jose Folch joint team from the Center for Agro-Nutrition Research and Technology, Spain, successfully regenerates Bucardo or Pyrenean ibex, mountain goats that have been extinct since 2000 in the Pyrenean mountains between Spain-France. They took DNA traces of female skin samples Bucardo only the latter of which was frozen in 1999, a map of the DNA is then injected into the egg cells of domestic goats until the embryo Bucardo new species. In March 2010, Chris Jacomb and Richard Walter of the University of Otago New Zealand, has been able to isolate and extract DNA from fossil eggshell Moa bird that has been extinct 150 years ago in New Zealand. Do you remember the movie "Ice Ages"? Currently the project that interests scientists are reviving ancient elephant furry Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius). Alaska and Siberia is a region that many keep these ancient elephant fossils some of which are still preserved by a layer of ice in the area, so the composition of his body was almost complete. Therefore Woolly Mammoth including the most complete ancient animals mapping his DNA. Woolly Mammoth mysteriously went extinct about 10,000 years ago. Large body size is almost the same as the African elephant species, but genetically closer to the Asian elephant. In 2011, a team of Japanese researchers from Kyoto University led by prof. Akira Iritani, announced the project regenerates the mother elephant Woolly Mammoth through Asia for 22 months of pregnancy. They mapped the DNA of a preserved specimen samples feathers naturally by ice. They target that within five years of ancient Woolly Mammoth baby elephant to be born again. Following later in 2013, a team of researchers from Russia and South Korea agreed to plunge regenerates after a Wolly Mammoth fossils have been found intact following the blood clot in his specimens in the same year. Thus, in contrast to the Japanese team, this time they extract and map the DNA from blood specimens. More list of endangered flora and fauna is a candidate to be recalled can be seen on the site belong to The Long Now Foundation: Photo credit to Semyon Grigoriev from The Siberian Times:
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 23:42:44 +0000

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