SUBJECT: Two, “Too”, “To”, “They’re”, “Their”, - TopicsExpress


SUBJECT: Two, “Too”, “To”, “They’re”, “Their”, “There” Please learn the meaning of these words and how to use them in a sentence properly - so youll sound like you at least passed 9th grade English. SUCH AS: -- Two more words you need to know, too. -- They’re going to buy their groceries over there. “Two” noun 1. a cardinal number, 1 plus 1. 2. a symbol for this number, as 2 or II. 3. a set of this many persons or things. 4. a playing card, die face, or half of a domino face with two pips. adjective 5. amounting to two in number. Idioms 6. in two, into two separate parts, as halves: A bolt of lightning split the tree in two. 7. put two and two together, to draw a correct conclusion from the given circumstances; infer: It didnt require a great mind to put two and two together. ________________________________ ”Too” adverb 1. in addition; also; furthermore; moreover: young, clever, and rich too. 2. to an excessive extent or degree; beyond what is desirable, fitting, or right: too sick to travel. 3. more, as specified, than should be: too near the fire. 4. (used as an affirmative to contradict a negative statement): I am too! 5. extremely; very: She wasnt too pleased with his behavior. Idioms 6. only too. only (def 10). ________________________________ ”To” preposition 1. (used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed to from): They came to the house. 2.(used for expressing direction or motion or direction toward something) in the direction of; toward: from north to south. 3. (used for expressing limit of movement or extension): He grew to six feet. 4. (used for expressing contact or contiguity) on; against; beside; upon: a right uppercut to the jaw; Apply varnish to the surface. 5. (used for expressing a point of limit in time) before; until: to this day; It is ten minutes to six. We work from nine to five. 6. (used for expressing aim, purpose, or intention): going to the rescue. 7. (used for expressing destination or appointed end): sentenced to jail. ________________________________ ________________________________ ”They’re” 1. contraction of they are. ________________________________ ”Their” pronoun 1. a form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, before a noun: their home; their rights as citizens; their departure for Rome. 2. (used after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of the definite masculine form his or the definite feminine form her): Someone left their book on the table. Did everyone bring their lunch? ________________________________ ”There” adverb 1. in or at that place (opposed to here ): She is there now. 2. at that point in an action, speech, etc.: He stopped there for applause. 3. in that matter, particular, or respect: His anger was justified there. 4. into or to that place; thither: We went there last year. 5. (used by way of calling attention to something or someone): There they go. 6. in or at that place where you are: Well, hi there. pronoun 7. (used to introduce a sentence or clause in which the verb comes before its subject or has no complement): There is no hope. 8. that place: He comes from there, too. 9. that point. noun 10. that state or condition: Ill introduce you to her, but youre on your own from there on. adjective 11. (used for emphasis, especially after a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective): Ask that man there. interjection 12. (used to express satisfaction, relief, encouragement, approval, consolation, etc.): There! Its done. Idioms 13. been there, done that, Informal. (used to say that you have experienced or are familiar with something and now think it is boring or of little worth): A job in the city? Been there, done that. __________________________________ Correct usage of these fundamental English words will make communication much easier on Facebook and all of Social Media. AND... I PROMISE it will not hurt you in the workplace, either !!!!!!!!! .......
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 22:30:35 +0000

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