SUBMIT UNDER THE ROOF . If you say God exalts the humble, - TopicsExpress


SUBMIT UNDER THE ROOF . If you say God exalts the humble, you are right; and if you also say God gives grace to the humble, you are also right. Exaltation and grace of God comes through humility. Both of them are the same: His grace is His exaltation to the humble. Perhaps that was the reason Apostle Peter used grace to the humble in one verse and then used exalt the humble in the next verse following, while he was sending the same message in both verses. As it is written, Likewise, you younger, submit yourselves to the elder. Yes, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time (1 Peter 5:5-6). . Recall I used this reference in the last two update below this one, in which I termed, True authority is in submission. The centurion was the key illustration in that message, because he helped to differentiate between the authority to exercise authority and the authority to exercise faith; he had both. Now I must use a phrase the centurion used to structure this message: That phrase is, under my roof. . Under my roof is not just under my literal roof or physical roof, but also means under my domain or jurisdiction or sphere of authority. Thus, when God said we should submit under one another, He further structured that with under the roof to put limits or bounds in our submission to one another, but not to Him. You may not have seen the under the roof limit to submission under men, but it is there and I show you. 1. Childrens subjection to their parents in obedience is while they are children under their parents roof. Jesus was subject to Mary and Joseph while He was twelve years until He grew matured enough to be a man living on His own. When He became a man living on His own, not depending on His parents for food or shelter, He was no longer under obligation subject to them. Children are to required to obey parents, but men who are independent from their parents are only required to honour their parents, not obey their parents. There is difference between obeying parents and honouring parents. Now as a man, I may not obey everything my mum tells me, but I must honour her by sending her gifts and care, respecting her before people and giving heed to her advice. If I refuse to obey my parents it is because I am no longer under their roof, but if I refuse to honour my parents even when I am no longer under their roof, I shorten my life (Mark 7:10-13). . 2. So, also, a married man or woman is under a new roof, not under the roof of his or her parents again. For a man shall leave his father and mother to cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one. So, a wife is not supposed to obey her mother or father while she is married to her husband, but she may still honour them. If you understand the difference between Obey and Honour, you will agree that the wife has a duty to obey her husband all the time, while the husband has the duty to honour his wife. The person you obey is the person you are subject to (Romans 6:16), but the person you honour most is the person you love most. Wife you are required to obey or submit or subject to your husband in everything, even more than your pastor or priest or even your parents or office boss. . 3. A servant should obey his master and remain subject so long as he is under his roof (under employment). Master or boss should treat his servant or employee with regards. . 4. When you are in a country or place, subject (obey) the higher authority or government of that zone (under the roof) until you either travel to another zone or until election day when you have privilege to vote or campaign another government into power. Note, you could be in a province under an empire. Government regard the people and citizens of your country, especially the poorests, oppressed, weakests, most vulnerable etc. Honour and award people by merit, and not by mere connection or political pressure or financial tipps. . 5. There are also roofs in submitting to a spiritual fathers or mothers in Christ, spiritual instructors, presiding angels of churches in provinces, elders, ministers, church group leaders etc. However, I may not speak on this now. . In everything, It is Christ that is the true head of every man; other heads are just representatives that can be changed or remove by Christ. And the head of Christ is God the Father (1 Corinthians 11:3). Obey only those you are required to subject to, according to the roof limit, by the word of God; but honour all men, love the brotherhood, fear God and honour the King (1Peter 2:17).
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 09:12:43 +0000

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