SUBSTANDARD NESS CALLED INDIAN PUBLIC WELFARE ERECTED EXCLUISIVELY & MINDFULLY AGAINST THE SURVIVAL & WELL BEING OF INDIANs MINUS STATE & JUDICIARY & SERVICEs,benevolence & THANK FULL NESS OF STATE/executive towards the barely surviving INDIAN TAXPAYER... via UPHOLDING OF SUCH LAWs that compete with britishers roulette act etc,indian supreme court has sincerely devalued justice,law & independence of indians,also at the same time constatly devauing constitution/fundamental rights of indians by making an fool of indian taxpayer/citizen in name of accused minus evidence/human right/sustainable logic,motherly women who cant find a mobile number/cant dial phone number on thier own,or cant find home,in the streets of thier own city are tried for 6+ years in name of JUSTICE & contribution to nation or world order....498a diluted indian constitution, services & PUBLIC WELFARE & CHILDHOOD/progress of indian males & thier evidences,also at the same time making an fool of child care from father & his parents/brothers...all in name of ineferiority treatment of indians under excuse called DAHEJ/dowry..which primarily means economic offence/forcible asking of money...which is an offence if husband/his family asks but the indian commonsense says that state & JUDICIARY & LAWYErs the more law educated & almost sustaining themselves upon the laters/others toilings or incomes/earnings are given an right to suck the money from poorest of poor classified as indian aboriginee, herein meant to be served & serviced by LAW & PUBLIC SERVICEs...!!!!!what a law,airport will FLY,but aircraft will not adhere to flight clauses shall be applicable to husband/inlaws & PUBLIC but not state/judiciary/law/ parliament/ public services/police/lawyers/court & JUDICIAL PROCESS, IT clearly states the citizen is still more VULNERABLE & predatable & suckble even after the invention & importing of the idea of CONSTITUTION,JUSTICE,law/public welfare/service ethics if any....JOKE is INDIA or INDIA is JOKE..either indians living in INDIA are thrid class slaves or they leave INDIA to become economic slaves of THE WORLD,only two solutions with INDIAN ABORIGINEEs via indian state/welfare state called INDIA...the 498a law actually robs people of evidence & same quality law is not promoted against curruption/state by the judiciary!!! to much to be written again & AGAIN ACCEPT INDIA DISCOVER SOME SHAME OR IMPORT FROM WEST.....indian law (498a) conveys to the world that indian marriages are scoundrel tying & indian society/mens are scoundrels but when they are transformed to state/services or judiciary they become PIOUS/HOLY/healthy...& IMMUNE or licenced to KILL hence no standard conduct of JUDICIARY,state,prosecution & services or law/PUBLIC SERVANts is even thought to be invented from 1983 till 2015..via ethics called indian supreme court & HIGH COURTs of india swearing IN NAME OF PUBLIC WELFARE & JUSTICE OF INDIANs where the righteous/actual earners of india are reduced to tatters/suicide/bankruptcy/childlessness/fatherlessness/devoid of grndparents love/...much more at the same time the law associated shall earn & BE MERRy at the same time & EXPLOIT indian aboriginee along with the prestige of indian constitution all in name of PUBLIC WELFARE & PROSPERITY OF INDIA & WORLD ORDER CONTRIBUTION,verbal paintings become crime in INDIA,wherein INDIANs can be tried for years via the INFAMY/substandrdness & ADHOCNESS called INDIAN JUSTICE experienced from almost daily insult & INJUSTICE CALLED 498a trial of indians from 2008-15+..sustained at personal earnings/savings of my MOTHER versus NUDITY CALLED INDIAN JUSTICE,law,state,law & PUBLIC PROSECUTORs/women(POSING AS WIFE) all sustained & maintained & UPHELD ON TAXPAYErs/indian mens earnings compulsorily.... MUKUL C SAINI ahmedabad GUJARAT INDIA 23/JANUARY/2015... SHARED WITH UN PRESIDENT,USA PRESIDENT,IIM,IIT,INDIAN MEDIA world law universities,world media supreme court,etc,international courts,international comissions etc
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:34:13 +0000

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