SUCCESS WITHOUT CHARACTER IS A PACK OF CARDS. “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians…” — Acts 17:11 Character is a foundation stone to be laid in infancy and build upon throughout one’s lifetime. The best way to impart character is to have character. I read a story of a little boy who was lost during the Christmas shopping rush. He was standing in an aisle of a busy department store crying, “I want my mummy.” Passers-by kept giving this unhappy boy coins, pressing them into his hand, and encouraging him to cheer up. Finally, one of the workers in the store came over to him and said, “I know where your mum is, son.” The little boy looked up with his tear-drenched eyes and said, “So do I! Just keep quiet!” Now that’s character deformed! If this youngster is not saved, he will soon be safe in jail. Children don’t care about what you say; they care about what you do. Children who grow up not seeing role models end up not being role models. It’s a vicious cycle. Character is what you are in the dark, in the secret, when no one sees. Will your character recognize your reputation in the dark? LET’S PRAY: O God, give me the grace to build godly character. Give me the grace to daily take action that will lay solid blocks of character in me. SUCCESS ACTIVITY: Write down seven things you do in private that you will be ashamed to do in public. Make a resolve to make your private and public actions same and godly. CONFESSION: I am godly!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 07:49:50 +0000

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