SUCCESSFUL HOME REQUIRES GOOD COMMUNICATION. Good Communication is vital for a successful home. It’s essential to raising a family and building a home. Communication is to a home like oxygen is to the lungs – you cannot survive without it. And when you think about it, the reason is clear. You see, God created us human beings to communicate. It’s part of who we are and the way we are made. God Himself is a God of communication – He speaks to us. He gave us a whole Bible with his words. He has given us His Spirit to bring us words of prophecy, and words of wisdom, and words of knowledge. All of creation is God’s attempt to speak to us. That’s why the Psalmist said, “The heavens DECLARE the glory of God.” All of creation speaks God’s praises. And since we are created in His image, we are designed to communicate. We cannot live without it. A marriage cannot survive without it. The truth is, communication is vital to sharing life. If you don’t communicate, you’re not sharing life - you’re just sharing space. If you’re not communicating, then you’re not sharing your souls – you’re just sharing your bodies.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:09:00 +0000

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