SUE LING AND THE MAGIC COIN By Larry Atwood PAGE 3 - TopicsExpress


SUE LING AND THE MAGIC COIN By Larry Atwood PAGE 3 Sue ling flipped the coin from hand to hand , studying each side intently wondering how it could be a magic coin, she became afraid as if something bad was to happen so she quickly placed it back into the envelope and removed the second drawer in her armoire and taped it to the bottom of the drawer.This was the best birthday yet she thought to her self as she made her way back to her friends and to the party. Out in the woods he lurked, hiding behind the trees watching the party from afar, waiting for them all to leave, waiting for the right time to sneak into the house and steal the coin. he held in his hands an invitation to the party, with a map showing how to get to the house;he stuffed the map into his pocket. Hours went by and one by one he watched cars pull up and watched as the guests all left, soon he thought that coin will be mine,Now the coin was within his grasp.He had first set his eyes on the coin years ago and had hoped one day it would be his, but never into his hands the coin was meant to be. He knew its worth, the coin being rare and made of gold. He had been told of its power and so he wanted it bad. The wind started to blow and so he sat there behind the tree and pulled his coat tighter around him and waited for the sun to go down, he knew there was only three people left in the house, he knew the family and felt angry that it was Sue Ling that would get the coin, for it should go to him, he felt the anger rise up inside of him as the greed and lust for the coin took over. He shivered while he waited for the lights to go out inside the house, he waited a little longer, then from his hiding place he crept as quietly as he could with each step he crept closer to the house.He reached the front steps he climbed them slowly and quietly as possible, he approached the front door knowing that it was never he was as stranger in the dark and no idea where to look for the coin, he started to look in the living room looking every where it might have been placed.He made his way up the stairs being careful to not make a noise, when at the top he was met by the dog who started to growl and bark, then the grandmother opened up her door and screamed as she approached the stranger in the dark, she grabbed hold of him and started to fight, hitting and pushing him, yelling as loud as she could. he grabbed hold of her and they wrestled and then the dog grabbed hold of his pant leg and caused the stranger to trip and the grandmother fell down tumbling over and over until she hit the bottom step. the mother screamed into the phone that there was an intruder in the home and that her mother had fallen down the stairs in a struggle. she ran down the stairs to see if her mother was still alive, she rolled her over to find her dead, she started to scream again,as the stranger ran up to her and grabbed her hand, pulled her closer and fought to get the phone out of her hand.........TO BE CONTINUED
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:23:48 +0000

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