SUFFERING THE TESTING OF OUR FAITH Today’s journal: 1 Peter - TopicsExpress


SUFFERING THE TESTING OF OUR FAITH Today’s journal: 1 Peter 4:12 Message: Today’s journal The apostle Peter is very clear about this matter of dealing with trials and tribulations. For most of us, we start questioning why God does not protect us from painful situations. I think I may have an answer for that. In today’s Scripture Peter gives the proper reaction for painful trials we endure. We are to rejoice because suffering is the test of our faith. Promise: God allows us to endure trials in order to prove that our testimony is real. Warning: Today, do not be surprised when suffering comes. Christian life will include suffering. Thus Christians should not be surprised when they face it. Command: Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing! Entrust yourselves to Christ! Faith requires our faithfulness to continue in, to pursue, and to build on what God has given. Application: The next time you are tempted to feel that something is wrong when you encounter the painful trials of life, remember that God has allowed it and He has allowed it in order for you to grow strong and mature in the faith.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 03:01:51 +0000

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