SUFI CONCEPTS ABOUT THE DAYS OF THE WEEK Shaykh Ibn al-‘Arabi: - TopicsExpress


SUFI CONCEPTS ABOUT THE DAYS OF THE WEEK Shaykh Ibn al-‘Arabi: The Seven Days of the Heart. Shaykh Ibn al-‘Arabi tells us, that for every day there is a prophet from among the prophets, from whom descends a secret upon the heart of the verifying witness, a secret in which you takes delight during your day and by which you know something of that which requires to be known. This only happens to those who possess a heart. Sufi concept: from The Seven Days of the Heart Sufi concept: Sunday. Prophet Idris Day 1: Sunday If your day is Sunday, then Idrîs (Enoch) is your companion, so bother not with anyone! On the first day, i.e. Sunday, it is Idris who addresses you with a secret revealing to you the causes of things before the existence of their effects. SUNDAY: Arabic: al-ahad Divine attribute: Hearing Prophet: Idrîs Planet (Arabic): ash-shams Planet: Sun Creating divine name: an-Nûr Prayer: Imam Constellation (Arabic): Simâk Constellation: Arcturus Heaven: Fourth Earthly region: Fourth Arabic letter: Nûn. Commentary: Each day of the week is ruled by a specific divine name. The Sun and its heavenly orb were created on Sunday. The Sun is the heart of the world and the heart of the seven heavens. God made it a place for the Pole of human spirits, Idrîs. Idrîs is the centre and he has been placed at the heart or the centre, because the Sun is the central, fourth heaven, out of seven heavens. This fourth heaven was created by the self-disclosure of the divine name an-Nûr, the Light. It has been called a high place by God (see Quran 19:57 ) because it is a heart, although the heaven above it, is higher in physical space. But God meant the highness of status. God created it in as- simâk, which is the central, 14 th station of the 28 stations or ‘mansions of the Moon, and created its planet, the Sun, and its orb, and created the letter nûn out of it. There are seven substitutes (abdâl) who are each responsible for one of the seven earthly regions. Every affair of knowledge in the First Day is from the matter of Idrîs. And every higher celestial effect on that day in the elements of air and fire is from the orbiting of the Sun and its supervision, which is entrusted to it by God. As for what comes from the effect on the elements of water and earth on that day, it is from the motion of the fourth orb containing the Sun. The earthly place of the substitute (badal) who upholds that influence among the seven climes is in the fourth clime. Why Idrîs? The model for the Sufis is the night journey (isra) where he went from the near temple (Mecca) to the far temple (Jerusalem) and then was taken upward through the planetary spheres and beyond -- to within two bow lengths or nearer to Allah. In the planetary spheres, Muhammad met earlier prophets -- traditionally Adam (Moon), Jesus (Mercury), Joseph (Venus), Idrîs (Enoch/Elias) in the Sun, Aaron (Mars), Moses (Jupiter), Abraham (Saturn). Sufi concept: Monday. Prophet Idris Day 2: Sunday If your day is Monday, then Adam is your companion in the interval of the two worlds. On Monday it is Adam who addresses you with a secret by which you come to know the reasons why the stations wax or wane. MONDAY: Arabic: al-ithnayn Divine attribute: Living Prophet: Adam Planet (Arabic): al-qamar Planet: Moon Creating divine name: al-Mubîn Prayer: Mamûm Constellation (Arabic): Iklîl Constellation: Corona Heaven: First Earthly region: Seventh Arabic letter: Dâl. Commentary: The motion of Monday was created from the divine attribute of the Living One (al-Hayy) and through it life was in the world, so everything in the world start to become living on Monday. The Moon is in the first celestial sphere above the Earth. The divine name the Clarifying One, al-Mubîn, was intent on bringing into existence this lowest heaven and its planet, the Moon, on the second day of creation in the lunar mansion of Iklîl, the Crown, which is the 17th station of the 28 lunar stations, and the letter dâl is from the motion of this orb. The Moon is the fastest moving planet in the heavens, moving to a lunar mansion every day, so it goes through all 28 lunar mansions in its “day”, which equals 28 Earth days. From this motion the 28 letters of the alphabet are created, regardless of how they are written or spoken in different languages. God made this first heaven the place for the first prophet Adam, since he is the first manifestation of the perfect human being. Sufi concept: Tuesday. Prophet Aaron Day 3: Tuesday If your day is Tuesday, then Aaron is your companion, so adhere to right guidance and John, the Baptist, will be your intimate, so cleave to purity and contentment. On Tuesday it is either Aaron or John who addresses you with a secret by which he comes to know what is beneficial or harmful about the influences that come upon you from the world of the unseen. TUESDAY: Arabic: al-thulâthâ Divine attribute: Seeing Prophet: Aaron Planet (Arabic): al-marrîkh Planet: Mars Creating divine name: al-Qâhir Prayer: ‘Ishâ Constellation (Arabic): ‘Awwa Constellation: Bootes Heaven: Fifth Earthly region: Third Arabic letter: Lâm. Commentary: The motion of Tuesday was created from the divine attribute Seeing (basar), so there is no part of the world but that it is witnessing its Creator, i.e. in relation to its own individual essence, not the Essence of the Creator, because the Essence of God, the Creator, may not be seen. He may be seen only through the manifestation of His attributes throughout the creation. The divine name the All-Prevailing (al- Qâhir) was intent on bringing into being the third heaven (the fifth from the Earth), so He caused its distinctive spiritual reality to appear, along with its planet Mars, al- marrîkh, and its sphere and he made it the dwelling for Aaron. The existence of this planet and the motion of its sphere were in the lunar mansion ‘Awwa, which is the 13 th station of the 28 Moon stations on Tuesday. From the motion of this sphere appeared the letter lâm. Sufi concept: Wednesday. Prophet Jesus Day 4: Wednesday If your day is Wednesday, Jesus is your companion, so hold fast to holy life and persevere in the desert. On Wednesday it is Jesus who addresses you with a secret by which you come to know the completion of the stations, how they are sealed and by whom. WEDNESDAY: Arabic: al-arbaâ Divine attribute: Willing Prophet: Jesus Planet (Arabic): al-kâtib Planet: Mercury Creating divine name: al-Muhsî Prayer: ‘Asr Constellation (Arabic): Zabana Constellation: Librae Heaven: Second Earthly region: Sixth Arabic letter: Tâ. Commentary: The motion of the forth day, i.e. Wednesday, came into existence from the divine attribute of Willing, al- irâda, so there is no part of the world but that it is seeking to glorify the One Who gave it existence. Mercury is in the sixth sphere from the Earth and this heaven was created through the self-disclosure of the divine name the Enumerator, al-Muhsî. God created this heaven, its planet Mercury, the fourth day, i.e. Wednesday, and the letter tâ in the lunar mansion of the constellation Zabana. This is the 16 th station of the 28 Moon mansions and He caused Jesus to dwell there. The fourth day, Wednesday, is the centre of the week, just as the Sun occupies the central fourth. Thus it is the day of Light, Nûr. As Wednesday is the day of Jesus, it also alludes to his central position in time, as the seal of universal sainthood. Sufi concept: Thursday. Prophet Moses Day 5: Thursday If your day is Thursday, then Moses is your companion: for the covering is quite lifted away and you are addressed in the manner of an unveiling, not by any man or fire; and indeed the angel rejoiced while the devil withdrew. On Thursday it is Moses who addresses you with a secret by which you come to know the religious prescriptions and the mysteries of intimate conversations. THURSDAY: Arabic: al-khamîs Divine attribute: Power Prophet: Moses Planet (Arabic): al-mushtarî Planet: Jupiter Creating divine name: al-‘Alîm Prayer: Zuhr Constellation (Arabic): Sirfa Constellation: Virginis Heaven: Sixth Earthly region: Second Arabic letter: Dâd. Commentary: The motion of Thursday came into existence from the divine attribute of power, i.e al-qudra, so there is no part of existence, but that it has been enabled to praise the One Who gave it existence. Jupiter, al-mushtarî, is in the sixth heaven from the Earth and it and its sphere were brought into existence through the self-disclosure of the divine name the All-Knowing, al-‘Alîm. God created this heaven, its planet, the fifth day and the letter dâd in the lunar manson of the constellation Sirfa, which is the 12 th station of the 28 Moon stations. He made it a place for the prophet Moses. Sufi concept: Friday. Prophet Joseph Day Day 6: Friday If your day is Friday, then Joseph, possessor of the qualities of the passionate beloved, is your companion. On Friday it is Joseph who addresses you with a secret by which you come to know the mysteries of constant ascension through the stations, the divine decree and where it is established. FRIDAY Arabic: al-juma Divine attribute: Knowing Prophet: Joseph Planet (Arabic): al-zuhara | Planet: Venus Creating divine name: al-Musawwir Prayer: Maghrib (sunset) Constellation (Arabic): Ghafr Constellation: Cover Heaven: Third Earthly region: Fifth Arabic letter: Râ Commentary: Friday is a special day: Our souls received its secrets from our Lord on this day. The motion of Friday came into being through the divine attribute of knowledge, so there is no part of the world but that it knows the One Who gave it existence. Venus is the second sphere of the heavens from the Earth and this heaven was brought into existence by the self-disclosure of the divine name al-Musawwir, the Designer. God created this heaven, its planet Venus, the Day of Gathering (Friday) and the letter râ in the lunar mansion of the constellation Ghafr, which is the 15 th station out of the 28 stations of the Moon and He made it a place for the prophet Joseph. Sufi concept: Saturday. Prophet Abraham Day 7: Saturday If your day is Saturday, then it is Abraham, so hasten to the honouring of your guest before he vanishes. On Saturday it is Abraham who addresses you with a secret whereby you come to know how to deal with enemies and when they are to be fought against, and this is the presence of the substitutes (abdâl). SATURDAY Arabic: as-sabt Divine attribute: Speaking (kalâm) Prophet: Abraham Planet (Arabic): kaywân Planet: Saturn Creating divine name: ar-Rabb Prayer: Maghrib (sunset) Constellation (Arabic): Khirtân Constellation: Mane Heaven: Seventh Earthly region: First Arabic letter: Yâ Commentary: The motion of Saturday was created from the divine attribute of speaking (kalâm), so everything in the existence glorifies in thanks of its Creator, but we dont understand their glorification. Saturn (kaywân) is in the 7 th sphere from the earth, and this heaven was created by the self-disclosure of the divine name ar-Rabb, the Lord. God created this heaven, its planet and the ‘Day of Rest (as-sabt), i.e. Saturday, in the lunar mansion of the constellation khirtân (also called az-Zabra) and it is in the 11 th mansion of the 28 Moon mansions. He made it a dwelling place for the prophet Abraham.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 09:03:07 +0000

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