SUFISM A JOURNEY TO ALLAH. In The name Of ALLAH The beneficent - TopicsExpress


SUFISM A JOURNEY TO ALLAH. In The name Of ALLAH The beneficent the Most Merciful. There are several branches of knowledge or sciences in Islam. All of which have been derived from the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah. Some of these branches of science include Science of Fiqh, Science of Hadith, Science of Tafseer, Science of Tajweed etc. Sufism, also known as Tasawwuf, is also a science in Islam and one who seeks to acquire this knowledge is called a Salik, Mureed, Disciple. We will often use the word Mureed. Sufism is a spiritual path in Islam which one travels in order to recognise and attain closeness to Allah (swt). Commonly known as Marifut and Qurb of Allah (swt). Treading this path develops the spiritual faculties of man for realisation of Divine Realities, the truth. Ultimately, one becomes a Friend of Allah (swt). To fulfill this objective one begins by taking Baiah meaning Oath of Alleginace from one who has already travelled this path i.e a Friend of Allah (swt). They are also known by titles such as Murshid, Sheikh, Sufi Master, Saint, etc .But We often use Sheikh After taking the oath of alleigance, in the hands of a Sheikh, there are many variations as to how the Sheikh will guide his Mureed to Allah (swt). These varying methods are known as Tariqahs. The following four principles, however, are emphasised and form the basis of all legitimate tariqahs: 1. Full adherence to Shariah: The Islamic Law 2. Observance of all Sunnah. 3. Remembrance of Allah (swt). 4. Code of Love & Discipline. From the introduction one will have learnt that the first enclosure a Mureed must enter is Shariat. Shariat, or Islamic law, is the centerpiece and backbone of Islam. Its principles are based on the Qur’an & Sunnah. Shariat comprises of 10 stations. These are as follows: (1) First Station: Faith Believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Prophets & Messengers, the Day of Judgement and that fate, good and bad, is destined and comes from Allah. Furthermore Faith (Iman) is accentuated by affirming belief in resurrection after death. To hold this belief with certainty is one of the imperatives of faith. (2) Second Station: Salaat Offer the 5 times daily prayers on time with due care & attention to all its pre- requisites. (3) Third Station: Zakah Pay the Zakah (poor due), which is obligatory on those who have adequate financial resources and material requisites. (4) Fourth Station: Fasting Fast in the month of Ramadhan. (5) Fast in the month of Ramadhan. Fifth Station: Hajj Perform Hajj i.e. Pilgrimage to Kaba (House of Allah) once in life time (subject to affordability) (6) Sixth Station: Lawful Earnings Exert physical / mental effort to earn one’s lawful livelihood and sustenance. (7) Seventh Station: Abstinence from Sins & Unlawful Sustenance Abstain from committing major sins, indulging in minor sins and from using Haram (Unlawfully earned) sustenance as these blacken the heart and harden it like a stone, rather even harder than that. (8) Eighth Station: Observance of all Shariah Guidelines Observe all Shariah injunctions, thus showing obedience and submission to Divine Command and abstinence / continence with regard to forbidden things. One should be careful never to exceed the limits of Haram & Halal as laid down in the Shariah. (9) Ninth Station: Recitation of the Holy Quran. Recite the Quran regularly and affirm the truth by translating its teachings into action and spirit. (10) Tenth Station: Tabligh Enjoin the good and forbid the practise of evil deeds Then, if you uphold to this practice you will reach your goal and become a friend of ALLAH..
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 21:57:26 +0000

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