SUGGESTIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR OUR TREE PLANTING 1. Visual map or lot plan for the area- if possible mark where the trees are to be planted and same to be done post tree planting. 2. Prior to actual planting, a procedural briefing must be done to all participants. These include among others; a). The benefit of this noble cause. b). Correct distance and procedures on the preparation of the area for planting. c). Collection and proper disposal of plastic bags taken off from the seedlings. d). Protection of newly transplanted seedlings (e.g. protective temporary fence like bamboo or small twigs/branch from trees to avoid seedlings being eaten by grazing animals like carabao, goats, etc. e) As an INTERESTING PERSONAL BONUS to each participant, A TREE MUST BE NAME IN HIS/HER HONOR OR MAY BE DEDICATED TO SOMEONE. Name tags/nameplates must be of plastic material which will last for years. f). Monitoring of these planted trees for at least the FIRST YEAR in there transplanted existence to ensure proper growth must be carried out. This may be done every three months probably by volunteers or paid labor or by the report of the lot owner/s to the committee. Any MORTALITY must be REPLANTED by the same manner as above mentioned procedure. g). Attendance must be documented and at the dispersal/dismissal time, all must sign, all must sign, attesting, she/he is in good health/condition and that the tree planting has been concluded. h). Documentation of finances, active members, donors, condition, quantity and quality of seedlings of each nursery. i).POLITICKING or motives of same must not be tolerated. j). RELIGIOUS PREACHING in any form must not be permitted.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 08:46:57 +0000

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