SULAIMAN, A FRIEND FROM PAKISTAN & VISIT TO ZAKHOPANE,MAHESH NAGARAJA I, Mahesh Nagaraja, Anilkumar Sivamogga, Delphi Balaji, Santhosh Kumar Vasan used to travel either by Taxi or by Train or by Bus or by Trams based on comforts for the day during our stays at Krakow, Poland. Our good Indian restaurant over there has been INDUS. We saw an advertisement of Masala Dosa available at a Hotel at a remote place. We managed to reach that place by paying heavy taxi fare too. We had heavy price for Masala Dosa as well. But, hardly what we could eat was just one bite. That’s the importance of Indian food at some places overseas. Well, when I chose to travel by Train one day.I saw a man coming behind looked like an Indian. I did see him and did not interact as many of the Indians abroad does not talk to other Indians or even if I make an attempt to talk, they would show some reservation. This, I have heard from many others and so I have stopped talking to other Indians abroad unless it is necessary for me to interact. But, this man coming behind came with a good smile, gave a hand shake and introduced himself as Sulaiman from Pakistan. A nice personality who resembled one of my favourite Cricketers Wasim Akram.We had a nice time and exchanged lots of cultural information and corporate world. The gentle approach and topics which we have spoken to each other were quite good. We could talk and evaluate political systems of both the countries. He left a nice impression and made that day good to cherish good memories. What cropped up in my mind around this incidence were few questions. I just developed few concerns like - Are we leading a normal life? Are we reciprocal to social human beings ? Are we doing justice to our jobs and responsibilities ? Are we maintaining good friendships? Are we transparent with no hide and seek mind? Are we feeling good about improvements happenings to our known contacts? Are we making any efforts to keep some friends always in touch? Are we helping to the requirements of friends or relatives sincerely? Are we really feeling good about ourselves? so on.................Well, at least to me, at this checkpoint, I felt happy that I do not have any NO for the questions which I have raised. When I was talking to a girl few months back, to stay happy and be comfortable in life. She said that she is not interested to listen to me, because I talk and say only to be happy in life. She also questioned me that advising skills will promote internal happiness, so I start advising people to stay happy. I may or may not have any concerns about real happiness to the other person.I sensitively observed and could honestly declare that I sincerely wish happiness to all. I wont do it for my self promotion. Of late, she developed confidence in me and happy with my contact now. I used to call any person I meet or interact as Happy Man, but the same title has bounced back on me and some people calls me Happy Man today. Yes, I am a “Happy Man and I want everyone to feel the same that each one is special and Happy in life. I do not know, how it can be achieved, but certainly it is possible to achieve is my feeling. The simple way is to forget the bitterness of past and stay happy today and focus happiness for tomorrow. Most importantly, spread happiness to others. It multiplies for you. Share your wealth with others, it multiplies for you. Lastly, I had been to a place called ZAKHOPANE, wonderful mountain range which is beyond 9000 feet high and needs electrical chair cars and in two level to reach the top. I had been to this peak point had a great experience of life time. I just remembered my high school geography teachers- B K Janakamma & H K Rukkamma. I had literally seen evergreen forest and plateau region together. I am done with Krakow. Many thanks for interested readers who are getting connected and passing on few words of appreciation for my write-ups both in Kannada and in English. Last night, my friend Mr.Mahesh Nagaraja had called me up to express his feelings. He was too happy and my write-ups are making him a feeling that we are still around the places which we visited. Mahesh has been a great entertainer and I enjoyed his company across Europe,France,Poland, Austria. Mahesh – I am sure that you are reading this write-up with the same enthusiasm and you may be wondering that I have not covered the story of free-hug movement of Paris and our experiences of one coke and one tape in Reeperbahn. Mahesh had been to Hongkong for 90 days recently and Hongkongnalli Agent Mahesh was the title I conferred on him.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:38:59 +0000

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