SUMMARY OF THE LAODICEAN CHURCH There are eleven bad things - TopicsExpress


SUMMARY OF THE LAODICEAN CHURCH There are eleven bad things and no good things mentioned of the Laodicean church in Rev 3:14-22. It seems this church has forgotten that Jesus is the ultimate Authority, He is true, and He is the true Judge. They have forgotten that He is faithful, He is God Almighty, and He created all things. It is the most heavily rebuked and deceived church in the history of the church age; however, it sees itself as "the best." It is the only church of the seven in which the entire church will be spit out (rejected). This church is described as lukewarm, indifferent, not concerned with right and wrong, or with good and evil. They take a neutral position: one of "live and let live; don’t rock the boat; and don’t cause waves." They are trying to serve two masters—God and self (or the world). They are positive they are right. At best, their understanding of God’s Word, obedience, sin, repentance, and the fruits of the Spirit, is only lukewarm. It is the worst of all the seven churches, yet the most confident. They claim they are rich, increased with goods, and have need of nothing; however, God judges them to be wretched, which is the result of having no faith or faith like a wave. It comes from a lack of truth, sound doctrine, and understanding. They are miserable, tossed about with all kinds of incorrect doctrines, which come in like the wind from every direction. They are poor in wisdom, in knowledge, in faith, and in the Word of God. They are not zealous for the truth, but are blind to their true condition and to Satan’s schemes. They think their condition is just the opposite of what it really is. They gather around themselves teachers that say what their selfishness, emotions, and deceived hearts want to hear. They are shamefully naked. They do not have on the white garments of righteousness, but are clothed with the black wool of deceit, which is no clothing at all. This church is shown to be naked, but they do not know these things. They are positive they are saved, but are positively wrong. THE FOOL RAGETH, AND IS CONFIDENT-Pv 14:16. One of the most appalling aspects of this church is, they are totally ignorant of all these things. They are unaware of their true spiritual condition. They are, sometimes, willingly ignorant. They are sometimes so deceived and blind that they do not even recognize that the letter to the church of the Laodiceans is actually a letter to them. As a result, they do not seek to change or repent. It may be said, these are people that go to church, sing spiritual songs, pray to God, and then Monday through Saturday live as if Jesus does not exist. They behave as if they will never have to face the judgment. Laodiceans are told to buy of Jesus gold that is refined by the fire. They are told to anoint their eyes with ointment, so they can see their true spiritual condition as God sees it. The Lord appears to be admonishing them to be zealous for the things of God—wisdom, knowledge, and truth—and to hate every evil way. He is telling them to repent. Jesus is shown outside the door of this church, not inside. He is depicted as knocking on the door of the church and on the individual’s heart, but the Laodiceans do not want to let Him in. They do not want to be shown they are wrong and will perish. They do not want to see their true blind and wretched condition. They do not want correction or truth. Often, ministers, churches, and ministries focus more on getting money and more people, rather than on humbleness, brokenness, and good sound doctrine. This is a description of the last church—the worst of all, in which the entire church is described as being spit out (or perishing). This is a description of the most confident church of them all, yet it is the most deceived church that has ever existed; however, they do not know or understand it. This is the description of today’s church. The verses on the Laodicean church are in perfect harmony with many other verses that tell how the times would be, leading up to the Tribulation. We would all do well to heed the words of Jesus: HE THAT HATH AN EAR, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAITH UNTO THE CHURCHES-Rev 3:22.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 01:13:21 +0000

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