SUMMER OF OPPORTUNITIES I returned, and saw under the sun, - TopicsExpress


SUMMER OF OPPORTUNITIES I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. - Ecc.9:11 How wonderful would it be when an individual walks into his summer of opportunities! Such one wouldnt need to labour anymore, but to enjoy the grace that has been unleashed to him. Our text shows that, is of a truth that our mere strength cannot take us to the places we desire to get to, theres something far beyond what many can understand. Biblical truths are not for the well schooled rather they are for the open minded and simple hearted who believe because it has been written. Our text shows the extent of Gods supremacy in declaring His conclusions over pressing situations of life. When a boy with a sling and a stone can thrust down a trained army general who has been throughly trained in the art of war. Also take a look at those that may claim to be well schooled as against what they can afford as daily bread. What can we say about those who are wealthy as against those who work harder? Finally, how about those that are called for a higher honour than those who over merit it? Scriptures concluded, that its a function of time and chance, happening to them all. A perfect combination of Gods timing and his Divine providence. Many would say its luck but take it to be opportunity because we dont live in an era of luck but that of Grace. One would only get to his or her summer of opportunities where everything he does flourishes because its Gods perfect timing coupled with His Grace upon you. May we get there in Jesus name. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 08:59:38 +0000

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