SUN, MOON AND STARS – PART III Genesis 1: 14 - GOD SAID, - TopicsExpress


SUN, MOON AND STARS – PART III Genesis 1: 14 - GOD SAID, “LET THERE BE LUMINARIES IN THE SKY TO SEPARATE BETWEEN DAY AND NIGHT later, after the first creation week. THEY WILL SERVE AS SIGNS: their eclipses indicate the times God has designated for punishment; at these times He is more likely to mete out punishment for certain misdeeds. The luminaries will also serve FOR setting the dates of the Jewish FESTIVALS, which will occur at specific points in the lunar month and in specific seasons of the solar year. In an effort to make this short and sweet (or not so sweet), I will give information and if you wish to know more you can ask questions. This, of course, means you have to take my word for some of this. I will try to give you references to study if you wish. Please do not remind me about Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, Post-Trib and Pre-Wrath. I have studied them and come to the conclusion that they do not fit in historical references and yes, in all cases, the scriptures could be made to fit by proof-texting. I had to unlearn in order to relearn what Scripture was, in fact, trying to tell us along with Written Text, Oral Text and non-canonical texts to explain the end times. We have read that the Sun and Moon, along with all luminaries were given volition (refer to previous Son, Moon and Stars Postings) and this has been translated into their representatives here on earth, with the gods and religions of those gods. Over and over in OT history, there have been campaigns to annihilate LORD GODs chosen. OT Prophets tell us of Assyrian (deportation of Northern Kingdom of Israel), Babylonian (deportation of Southern Kingdom of Israel), Mede-Persian (time of Mordecai and Esther), and Rome (destruction of 2nd Temple and massive deaths of Jews and final deportation of the Jewish people except for a remnant) would be used to exact punishment for certain of His chosen’s misdeeds. What did all these civilizations have in common? The worship of the sun and moon gods, along with other gods and goddesses. In Ezekiel 8:13-15 women weeping for Tammuz even in the temple of the Hebrew God. A solar calendar is a calendar whose dates indicate the position of the earth on its revolution around the sun or equivalently the apparent position of the sun moving on the celestial sphere. Included in this calendar is the Gregorian calendar (Christian calendar), which is the one accepted by most countries in the world. They (Jews and Muslims) often use it in conjunction with their religious calendar. The Islamic calendar, Muslim calendar or Hijri calendar (AH) is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months in a year of 354 or 355 days. It is used to date events in many Muslim countries (concurrently with the Gregorian calendar), and used by Muslims everywhere to determine the proper days on which to observe the annual fast of Ramadan), to attend Hajj, and to celebrate other Islamic holidays and festivals. The lunar phase or phase of the moon is the shape of the illuminated (sunlit) portion of the Moon as seen by an observer, usually on Earth. The lunar phases change cyclically as the Moon orbits the Earth, according to the changing relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. (Wikipedia) Two different world religions which follow different calendars for their religious festival days. Christianity – a solar (sun) calendar and Islam a lunar (moon) calendar. Two different luminaries with a jealously starting back in the beginning of earth time being played out throughout history. So what do I think may occur starting with the total lunar eclipse on April 15, 2014. Judging from biblical history and what we are hearing everyday in our news, I believe there will be a meting of certain punishment for many of the solar calendar countries by the lunar calendar following countries. Put another way Esau/Edom is getting the upper hand over Jacob/Israel. It appears Esau/Edom is now in full control of the governments, money systems and religions. If you go to, you will see the eclipses especial April 15, 2014 visible to much of the United States and not Israel at all. Fewer American cities will be visible on October 8, 2014 but certainly plenty. Fewer still American cities during April 4, 2015 total lunar eclipse but many more on September 27, 2015. On September 28, 2015 Israel will have a view of the total lunar eclipse. For the most part, I believe these eclipses will entail a day of reckoning between Christianity and Islam (the two predominant world religions). If the leaders of Christianity were honest, they would be using both the Hebrew calendar and the Gregorian calendar. It is ridiculous to say we follow the Gregorian calendar because we are in this world but not of this world which I heard on an interview today. Then we get all excited about the Blood Moons making every explanation why we should be excited because some believe the Lord is coming following the Jewish feast days. They dont even celebrate these days. To most Christians these days have been meaningless up until now. Maybe it’s just me, but this is strange beyond words. Others are talking about tribulation coming also. I am not charging money for any of this information nor telling you I am the first who thought this up. I am sure others have come to the same conclusion. What I am telling you is to be aware and awake. In Matthew 24, the Messiah did warn his disciples that they could expect terrible tribulation so much so that if that had the Romans been stopped they would have killed every Jew in Israel. History tells us blood flowed up to the bridles of the horses. Who were these Romans? They were Esau/Edom exacting punishment on Israel because they had forgotten their first love (HaShem). Many of the first believers were to flee to various other places in the world to spread His gospel, and there actually would be a remnant left in Israel. We know this because the Crusaders and Muslims took their turn trying to conquer Israel and exacted their own punishment against each other and to the Jewish population there. Who did these enemies destroy and disburse all over the world? It would be the Northern Tribes, Southern Tribes, Jews and Christians in Israel. What did they have in common which the enemy hates? It would be a certain blood line and one that Esau/Edom has always wanted to terminate like his ancestor Cain with Abel. I know most people do not see it, but Revelation tells the tale of judgment brought upon what people call the Christian church. After Revelation 2 and 3, there is not but one more reference to the church. Only those who have come out of her and persevered go on to the end. We see heads being removed. What group of people over history have done this as a way of punishment? Esau/Edom. Esau/Edom has infiltrated every one because of the mixing and mingling of the seed lines. What does it come down to then? A valley of decision regarding who you will choose this day – other gods or LORD GOD. I have always contended, if LORD GOD did not spare many of His OT prophets and the Messiah His followers from tribulation and death, there is something to be learned here. It is said that the earlier followers of the Messiah were so willing to die that the Romans were frightened by their testimonies while they were dying. They felt they had to somehow change the message and thus a systematic new indoctrination was introduced. What was it these faithful followers had learned from the Messiah and LORD GOD? They were taught not to live in this earthly reality but to move on to a different reality – one lacking in fear and anger. These are the two things the prince of this world and his minions actually thrive on. Matthew 6: 32 For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (even during the hard times coming – my emphasis).
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:33:06 +0000

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