SUNAN OF MARRIAGE: Getting married is one of the great Sunnahs of - TopicsExpress


SUNAN OF MARRIAGE: Getting married is one of the great Sunnahs of Rasulullaah (SallAllaahu alyahi wasalam). However, it is not just a sunnah itself, but also that it opens up the door to many others as well. Below are just a few of them. May Allaah Subahanu Wa ta’ala grant all married people, by virtue of acting on these things, a blissful, loving and lasting relationship; and may He make it easy for all of us singletons to get married, so that we can implement them as well. 1) Greet her. 2) Convey salams to her from others. 3) Smile at her. 4) Make dua for her. 5) Honour her friends, even after her death. Send them food from a sacrifice. 6) Eat from the same plate. 7) Drink from the same place where she places her mouth, and eat from the same place 8 ) Put a morsel of food in her mouth. 9) Let her comb your hair. 10) Recite Qur’an, while resting your head in her lap. 11) Take a ghusl with her from a single container. 12) Teach and advise her in a gentle manner. 13) Go racing with her and let her win. Later, when she puts on weight, race with her again and beat her. 14) Call her by pleasing nicknames. 15) Wipe away her tears. 16) Heed her advice. 17) Take her with you on long journeys. If you have more than one wife, let them cast lots to decide who gets to go. 18) Spend time with her in entertainment, and stay with her until she is satisfied. 19) Let her spend time with her friends. 20) Give her time to adorn herself before going to her for intimacy. 21) Do not go to her in the manner of animals. 22) Make this dua before being intimate with her: Bismillah. Allaahumma jannibnash shaitaan, wa jannibish shaitaana maa razaqtanaa. 23) Wake her up to make salaah at night. If she doesn’t get up, sprinkle water on her face. masha Allah. For those of us that need reference, lets go back to d history of our beloved Prophet(SAW) and d way he lived and dealt with his wives. You may go through these books, you wil find more light with respect to the above points. 1. The quest for love and mercy (regulations and wedding in islam) 2. Closer than garment (marital intimacy according to the pure sunnah) 3. The fragile vessels (right and obligation between the spouse in islam) All Authored by Muhammad Mustapha Al- Jibaly. Published by Al- kitaab and as- Sunnah publishing., May Allah bless us with a patient and righteous man/woman . May he/she be our best man/women and us his/her best man/woman.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 05:28:04 +0000

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