SUNDAY, 10TH NOVEMBER 2013 DIORTHOSIS CONVENTION 2013 THEME: MAKING HIS ENEMIES HIS FOOTSTOOL DATE: 5TH-10TH NOVEMBER 2013 VENUE: POWER AND GLORY TABERNACLE AUDITORIUM, FUTA SOUTH GATE ROAD, AKURE, ONDO STATE NIGERIA DAY VI: SUNDAY, 10TH NOVEMBER 2013 FINAL SESSION: REV. KAYODE OYEGOKE (Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministries, Lagos) PSALM 110:1,2 +This Scripture shows the conversation between God and Jesus after he died and resurrected. It was prophetically uttered by David. +The Church is not dynamic because we keep feasting on the meal we got two years ago. Each time we go to church, we must receive fresh meals from the oven of heaven. II TIMOTHY 1:10-12 +Life is when one is living. Immortality is when life cannot end. +Jesus abolished death and He brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. +We need to understand the gospel to be blessed by the ingredients of life and immortality. Anyone who is interested in life must be hungry for the gospel. If your interest is low you wont be able to fully explore the gospel. ROMANS 1:1-17 +The gospel is the key to life and immortality. +The actual time Jesus came into the Sonship of God was when He resurrected. When He was born in the manger, the word became flesh as He was born the Son of David. +Jesus was Begotten on the Day of Resurrection, on the Day of the Gospel. The Gospel started when Jesus resurrected, a new day began. The day was not the day of man, it was the Day of God. +God wouldnt share His Son with David. So, Jesus died and resurrected and became the Son of God. David provided God a seed and God bore Him as His own son. +Jesus, being made flesh, was the Son of David. He was also the Son of God in a sense. However, He had to die and resurrect to be confirmed the Son of God. +The essence of the Gospel was to raise a man that would never die. +If we believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, the same thing will happen to us. +You cannot be a son of God without power. The Gospel is the power of God. God wants the power of God to be in us. For Jesus to be the Son of God, He needed the power of God to turn him from baby to man. +The best way to switch nature is to lay down man and walk into God. We have to transport from the Son of Man to the Son of God. As Jesus went round doing good, He was helping men but the actual help was His death which translated man into Godhood. +To resurrect God, man has to fall. The gospel is the dunamis of God. It is what makes God God. +Many of us shy away from the Cross but therein lies our ultimate power. The Gospel must become our Gospel. We are powerless today because we dont like the Gospel. +Do you want power?! Fall in love with the Gospel! +God expired man out of Abraham so that he could birth a son in the order of God. +We need to detonate the keys and the power of God locked up in the Bible. If we can deploy the power of the Gospel, enemies are forgotten issues. +Satan is afraid of the Gospel. The Gospel spoilt him. His warfare is basically about debarring and distracting us from the Gospel. +Getting to heaven is not all there is to the power of God. Praying and working miracles are not all there are to the power of God. You can work miracles and not have power. +The Gospel raised the Man that raised Lazarus from the dead. That is how tremendous Gods Power is. +God has no business with those who are still alive to themselves. He deals with dead people. +God wants to teach us how to use His power but we need to be patient. People have yielded to demonic tutelage because God always seems slow and sloppy to them. We need to be rendered impotent before we can come into the power of God. +The more the patience, the higher the glory. Students of true power cant afford to be in a hurry. +The Gospel of Christ is the Power of God unto salvation to THOSE WHO BELIEVE. +Power is packaged into Righteousness. We always expect power to come like a bomb but it comes in Righteousness. Righteousness comes by Faith. The Faith is the Faith for life not the faith for bread and butter. The faith for meeting our needs does not really profit us in the long run. +Righteousness is not a Code of Conducts. However, it conducts our lives in the way of God. +God does not validate or invalidate us by what we wear. The God kind of Righteousness teaches us to please God even in our dressings. +We need knowledge to strengthen conscience. A strong conscience will help us to be free from unnecessary guilt. +The Blood of Jesus which binds us together is stronger than our religious differences. +Righteousness is produced by Faith. When God wants to test our Righteousness He tests our Faith. +Our twisted judgment about what is right always prevents us from the Pleasure of God which is the real pleasure. +The Power of God does not come upon us by miracle. We have to do Faith to inherit it. +We must constantly live by faith according to the revelation of righteousness. HEBREWS 11:1-7 +The First Elder of Faith is God. If you are not walking and living by faith you cannot be an elder. +The Testament for the Pleasure of God is Faith. A faith man is one who constantly comes to God. A faith man is a righteous man. A faith man condemns the world. +The Church cannot yet judge the world because we have not really operated according to the principle of faith. +God declared that Jesus pleased Him even when He had not done one miracle. Faith walk qualified Jesus to please God. +A miracle worker may not be a pleaser of God. We please God by faith. +We are hasty because we are fearful. Haste is an indication of faithlessness. A powerful man is one who can hands-off and rest in God. +God often takes us to the wilderness to expire the mentality of servitude in us. In the wilderness, there are no tools to work with, there is no way to know the direction, we just have to rest in God completely. +When you rest in God, things you had always laboured for will come of their own accord. +The Gospel is a total package. It takes care of every one of our needs in the spirit, soul and body. +We have to shift our gaze from our problems to seeking God. Our problems will be solved without us knowing it.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:15:06 +0000

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