SUNDAY 18TH MAY BE DEDICATED TO YOUR ASSIGNMENT “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily.” Colossians 2: 23a. Dedication means an unreserved commitment to an assignment or purpose. It also means to be sold out to a course in life. One of the demands of good success in life is total dedication. The best of ideas keeps flowing when one becomes committed to a course in life. Most of the problems we face in life’s pursuit is not caused by the devil nor our so called enemies, but it’s our lack of dedication. Any work you are not committed to will never yield results. You can’t be careless over your assignment and expect to get much from it. The quality of time you put into it determines the level of output you get. Most people think it is better to wait until they have a big business or a big job before they can put in their hearts to it, but this is wrong. Even that business you consider so small can become great if dedication is applied to it. That job you consider small can make way for something bigger if only you can get dedicated to it. If you are waiting to have it big before you start being committed to it, then you are making a very big mistake. If you were not dedicated in a little, even the big will never survive in your hand. Are you a barber, hair dresser, groundnut seller, ’pure water’ seller, shoe maker, fashion designer, civil servant, pastor, singer, banker, business man or woman, student or whichever? Be dedicated to it and soon you will become a reference point. Don’t join others in their lackadaisical attitude towards their assignment. Be sold out to whatever course you are pursuing in life and you will have good success. WORD OF PRAYER:- Help me dear Lord to be dedicated to my assignment no matter how little it is, that I may have good success in Jesus’ name, Amen. QUOTE:- The quality of your input determines your level of output. Hope you are preparing for the Enthronement Service this morning?
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 03:10:53 +0000

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