SUNDAY, 21ST DEC 2014 FIND YOUR ELIZABETH “ And it came to - TopicsExpress


SUNDAY, 21ST DEC 2014 FIND YOUR ELIZABETH “ And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. (Luke 1:41-42) Did you know that one of the major reasons for failure in life is associating with the wrong people? As a matter of fact, nothing kills a dream faster than people! Yet, the greatest asset to the fulfilment of a dream can also be people. Remember the saying show me your friend and i will tell you who you are? In fact, it is absolutely right to say show me your friend and I will tell you your future. This is why the importance of having the right people in your life can never be overemphasized. The bible tells us about how that an angel came visiting Mary with the news of her would be pregnancy. In the course of delivering that message, the angel told her about Elizabeth her cousin. Mary then ran to Elizabeths place to see her. Noteworthy is the fact that the moment Mary got to Elizabeth and they greeted each other, Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit and began to prophesy. Mary hadnt even had the chance to say anything to her when she spoke saying blessed is she that believeth for there shall be a perforrance of those things which were spoken unto her. Listen beloved, you will always need an Elizabeth figure who would prophesy the same things God has told you. Someone who would confirm that inner witness in your spirit. Someone who would hold your hand and pray with you concerning your hearts desire. So run along and find that person if you havent. Begin with your pastor ... DIGGING DEEP Exo 7:1-2 PERSONAL STUDIES Psalm 6-8 PRAYER/CONFESSION: Father I thank you for blessing me with the right people in life. I see you sending collaborators my way. Men and women who would join hands with me in the fulfilment of your assignment for my life in Jesus name
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:06:39 +0000

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