SUNDAY 23RD NOVEMBER, 2014 1ST&2ND SERVICE Topic: TAKING IT ALL FINANCIALLY Ministering: Rev. Joshua Talena Text:Proverbs 22:2 (NLT), prov. 14:8 (NLT), Ecc 11:4, Ecc 5:4-5, Hosea 5:15, Judge 11:30, Psalm 13:14 Many are poor today as they are not ready to take it all. The lord made both the rich and poor. The bible said it is not to the swift, not to the strong not even the crafty, time and chance happens to them all. The way you live is your decision in life. In every community how many percent of the wealth are being controlled by the truly anointed born again children of God? Out of every 10 men, 6 are living on borrowing and lending from others, out of every 10 marriages 4 are being taken care of by their wives who provide for the home and take care of the children, thereby changing the order of God. Negative habits that can destroy your power to taking it all financially. 1. Indecision and fear of taking it all, most people are always afraid and cannot take risk. They calculate the risk than the success. Every poor man you see has fear of risk and thus can never take decisions on how to become rich 2. Habit of lack of vision. (Proverbs 14:8 NLT)most Christians today, lack the vision to prosper. They believe more in seeking after miracles and signs rather than to develop visions that Motivate greatness. You cannot possess what you cannot see. They are so confused and cannot see where they are going. What is the picture you have of your future ? 3. Unfaithfulness to God in Tithe and offerings. These processes activate your harvest and input. It moves God to partner with you; He can trust you to invest in you because He knows you will give him His due portion. According to Sir John Templeton the 3rd richest in his time, he said “His greatest investment was his Tithe” I ask you today, WHAT IS YOUR INVESTMENT? 4. Indiscipline. Lack of Saving culture and reckless spending. Do you spend all, or do you invest some for a turn over? Are you like the foolish servant with one talent, or are you a wise servant? Where does the bulk of your money go? Material things, perishable things or consumable things? 5. Not honoring your vows and pledges, Ecc 5:4-5. God con not prosper a man that lacks integrity.He respects men that keep to their words. He can never trust a man that will make a vow and pledge before him and yet cannot keep to it. He cannot stand deception. It makes God to hide from you. Killing a child is one of the most painful things that can ever happen to any man, yet Jeptha had to keep to his word and sacrifice his only girl, because he knows that God cannot be mocked 6. To be enslaved by the invisible. Poverty works more on the victims, who cannot see who they really are. The you that cannot see, is the you that will bring out the you that that people will see in turn. What is the picture of the you that you see in the inside of you? What picture of your future do you see? - I give you an experiment now, carry out your cheque book, write down your name and an amount payable to you .Write down what you think is your worth and how much you are meant to be paid/earn in 2015. Billions, millions, thousands? etc a. Some will keep it like a mirror b. Some will keep it and sing it every day like a song c. Some will keep it, sing it, speak it and act it……….. MEET ME TOMORROW IN THE LUNCH HOUR, I WILL TELL YOU HOW IT GOES……………. To be continued……
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:42:40 +0000

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