SUNDAY CHEATS - 2nd Release Indeed I must confess that we - TopicsExpress


SUNDAY CHEATS - 2nd Release Indeed I must confess that we Christians are creating too many separate factions and denominations even in the already hundreds of denominations that have sprung up all around us. I believe it is Gods plan that His word is preached to the ends of the world, but I strongly doubt if a thousand and one different denominations in the same body would be the answer to that need especially when every denomination tends to create its own doctrines which are sometimes contrary to the word of God. The main focus with this 2nd release is not even on thetrend I have discussed above. My focus is rather on the unwanted and uncalled for denominations we have created even in particular churches. These uncalled for denominations is manifest is what has come to stay as squads and cliques in our churches. People now tend to come to church and also move about in church in squads. In a typical charismatic church youll find several squads and most of these squads most of the times do not inter-relate with other squads in the same church. You may find different squads of the rich kids who dont mingle with the poor, the squads of the poor kids who also do not mingle with the rich. You may also find a squad of people who attended some particular rich and notable schools etc. It has become soo intense that some people come to church just to meet their friends or better still their squad members. Some would also refuse to attend church if some particular friends are going to be absent from church because they claim they would not feel free without those friends. So now I ask, do we now go to church to meet Christ or we go to meet friends? Christ encourages us to have fellowship with the brethren, but when if we make the brethren more important than Christ, well be missing the target. Today as you go to church ask yourself, am I going to meet Chris or to meet friends??
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 06:18:20 +0000

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