SUNDAY FIRST SERVICE TOPIC: FINISHING STRONG, KEY TO NO CARRY OVER PART 1 TEXT: ISAIAH 61 : 1 DATE : 21st DECEMBER,2014. SPEAKER:Rev.Dr.Joshua Talena Today, we are looking at finishing strong as a key to no carry over. The reason why a lot of people carry over their blessing is because they give up at the end of the year feeling God cannot do anything again why? Because all the prophecies on them has not yet manifested and they tend to get so tired of moving forward and this makes them carry over their blessings. If you must finish this year strong, there are enemies you must deal with and they are as follows 1. The spirit of heaviness The spirit of heaviness is responsible for every failure and afflictions in life because it is a spiritual attack once it comes upon you, it comes with an invisible weight and build a strong hold in your life. We should not forget that there people in Zion who mourns. Isa 61: 1 The fact that God has not done it yet does not mean he will not do it. We must understand that God wants to take glory in your life. He knows there is no glory in shame affliction, poverty etc. People that are clothed with the spirit of heaviness are always depressed and until you shake off that heaviness you cannot move forward. What is the spirit of heaviness? - It is that evil shadow over your heart that makes your face to gather blackness (Joel 2: 6 ) this means everything about them is not well. 2. It is the spirit that drives to isolation. You become unnaturally irritated by people who love you. At this point you no longer appreciate people around you. The spirit of heaviness make you display an ungrateful attitude towards people even when people are trying their best to please you, you’ll still not appreciate them and these has also creep into the church. Today, a lot of believers get so offended because all that have been prophesied on them has not come to pass then the spirit of heaviness makes them not to be grateful to God and even their pastor who has stood beside them , prayed for them all these while they transfer aggression to everyone around them. You don’t have a job, but thank God that you have a certificate You don’t have a car but thank God you have a roof over your head You don’t have a child but thank God you are married. Why don’t you appreciate God for the things he has done. Child of God if you must end this year strong, you must consciously avoid the spirit of heaviness. 3. Overwhelming sense of hopelessness that wants you to backslide from your faith. This was the same way Job’s wife wanted job to curse God pushing job to curse God or backslide from his faith talking to make job feel God cannot do anything on his case again. This was because he was filled the spirit of heaviness. A lot of Christians today, have cursed God by their negative attitude towards God. 4. The spirit of heaviness is that strange cloud that makes you prefer death to life At a point Elijah gave up on God and he said I am not better than my fathers let me die’’ This was because he was filled the spirit of heaviness. - The spirit of heaviness or depression will make you look at your past making you think God cannot do anything for you. - The spirit of heaviness or depression will make you prefer your Egypt - you no longer see good but evil, You become so negative in your attitude - The spirit of heaviness exposes you to demonic attack If you must see God’s intervention in life you must come out of that heaviness and depression in order for you not to carry over your blessings. The cure for the spirit of heaviness is the garment of praise What is the garment of praise? 1. This is the situation where your praise God to a point where the chains are broken Act 16: 25 2. The garment of praise is a realm where you praise God until destiny strength enters you 3. You praise him until the spirit of prophecy comes upon Have you reached a point where you feel so depressed and discouraged in life? Child of God praises him and you will begin to experience his intervention because your praise visits the foundation of your father’s house. Three things you need to know about praise i. When you sacrifice your praise, you surrenders your pain ii. If you praise God despite your pains, God will response to you despite your past and present condition by nullifying your pains iii. Every true liberty/freedom will bring people out. E.g when the chains on Paul and Silas fell off by virtue of their praise, the bible said the chains on all the prisoners in that prison fell off also. I PROPHECY EVERY GARMENT OF HEAVINESS CATCHES FIRE IN JESUS NAME -------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:27:36 +0000

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